Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular shonen action series currently ongoing. Megumi Fushiguro is a first-year student at Jujutsu Tech High School alongside Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki. He is one of the main characters in Jujutsu Kaisen and is shown to have incredible potential using the legendary Ten Shadows Technique of the Zenin Clan. The true depth of Megumi’s power was left uncovered until Sukuna experienced it firsthand. He has gone against powerful foes and won; including special-grade curses.

Though, despite his achievements and talent, he is still a Grade 2 sorcerer. At the end of the first season, he was recommended for promotion to Grade 1 like Yuji and Nobara. Though, recommendation alone isn’t enough to get someone promoted right away; there are several factors involved in the process. Yet, for some reason, none of the first years were promoted to Grade 1 before the Shibuya incident happened. Megumi has held his own against special-grade curses and sorcerers alike — but whether he’s qualified to be considered a special-grade sorcerer is up for debate.

Innate Cursed Technique – Ten Shadows Technique

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The Ten Shadows Technique has been passed down from the Zenin family, allowing Megumi to summon up to ten Shikigami using his shadows as an intermediary. It also allows him to manipulate these shadows, hiding within them, and storing objects within his own shadow. Megumi can summon any number of Shikigamis simultaneously, though he only summons them mid-battle to land a decisive attack in strategic moments.

One of the most interesting properties of his technique is that even when a Shikigami is destroyed, its cursed energy will be transferred to another Shikigami. In other words, the cursed energy is never destroyed, rather, it’s recycled. One such example Megumi’s was shown during his fight with Hanami. Megumi summons Divine Dog: Totality, a combination of his other Divine Dogs. Before, Megumi’s white Divine Dog was destroyed by a finger-bearer. Its powers are absorbed by the black Divine Dog, creating a more powerful

Domain Expansion – Chimera Shadow Garden

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Megumi ranks among a handful of sorcerers who are able to use domain expansion. Not even someone as strong as Nanami had that ability. Though Megumi’s domain expansion is incomplete, its effectiveness is astounding.

It floods the area with thick, fluid shadows, granting Megumi the ability to manifest multiple Shikigami. Chimera Shadow Garden also allows him advanced manipulation of all available shadows. The domain creates an enclosed barrier trapping the target’s shadow inside. Anyone standing inside the domain will have to reinforce their feet with cursed energy. Otherwise, they will fall into the abyss of shadows where there is no buoyancy, resistance, or oxygen.

Megumi Fushiguro’s Strengths

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One of Megumi’s greatest strengths is that he is aware of his shortcomings. He constantly tries to improve himself and comes up with creative ways to overcome them.

After his fight with Sukuna, Megumi realizes that he has the potential to become a better sorcerer. He asks Maki to teach him to use cursed tools that would give him an edge in close combats. He keeps his cursed tools in his shadow. Therefore, he can swap out multiple weapons for himself at any time.

Megumi’s Weaknesses Hold the Sorcerer Back

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Megumi has a unique style of fighting where he engages in close hand-to-hand combat while using his Shikigami as support. This is the complete opposite of other sorcerers, capable of summoning Shikigami from long-ranges and commanding them to fight for them. As impressive as it sounds, it is a drawback for him.

Though Sukuna complimented Megumi for engaging in battle himself, the fact remains that against powerful opponents such as Sukuna, his combat skills are severely lacking. Megumi is not as strong as Yuji or Gojo, thus closing off the distance between him and his opponents may end up doing more harm than good.

Megumi’s Experiences With Special-Grade Curses

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Megumi’s fight in the Death Painting Arc against the finger-bearer was an intense one. It was the first time he used his domain expansion as well. While Yuji and Nobara were busy eradicating the death paintings, Megumi was focused on killing the curse of the Yasohachi Bridge. Once that curse was defeated, an even stronger enemy appears before him.

A new finger bearer appeared — only this time, it was even stronger than the one in the Fearsome Womb Arc. This time, instead of running away, Megumi fights the special-grade curse head-on. Just as all hopes were lost, Megumi unleashes the strongest attack any jujutsu sorcerer can utilize — domain expansion.

He pictures a future stronger version of himself, able to bring forth the deepest shadows and surpass his limits. Though using his domain expansion definitely takes a toll on his body. His nose bleeds due to the immense amount of curse energy being used for a single attack.

However, even with an incomplete domain expansion, Megumi knows that he is strong enough to defeat that finger bearer. From the floor of the domain, which is covered in shadows, several frogs appear to grab onto the curse’s legs. Megumi takes advantage of the distraction and lands a direct attack on the cursed spirit. Finally, his Divine Dog lands a fatal blow at the curse and defeats it.

Is Megumi Fushiguro Worthy of Special-Grade Status?

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Despite all his amazing talent and accomplishments, Megumi is not yet strong enough to be a special-grade sorcerer. That title is reserved for sorcerers with such immense strength that their destructive potential is immeasurable.

Despite being able to use domain expansion, Megumi has plenty of room to grow. He needs to increase his mobility and stamina as well as learn how to use a complete domain expansion before being considered for that title.