Man gets food poisoning in his penis after an intimate moment with his wife

Man gets food poisoning in his penis after an intimate moment with his wife

The 38-year-old patient is believed to be the first bloke in the world to suffer from the strange condition

I dread to think how this fella explained why he wasn’t coming in work to his boss, as getting food poisoning in your penis sounds like a story straight out of the fake sickie bible.

But unfortunately for this 38-year-old, his diagnosis was no joke.

In what is believed to be the first ever case of it’s kind in the world, his tackle became toxic shortly after he shared an intimate moment with his wife…and the saga also strangely involved some unrefrigerated rice.

After being plagued by a series of painful symptoms in his downstairs region for the best part of a week, the bloke decided to seek some medical attention.

He sought the advice of urologists after redness, swelling and scabbing on his penis continued to persist after several days – and medics were even more alarmed when he revealed this had all began after he suffered a bout of severe diarrhoea and vomiting.

Doctors at the American University of Beirut Medical Center in Lebanon then decided to take a swab of the patient’s pecker to test for infection – but it’s safe to say none of them were expecting the results which came back from the lab.

The dad-of-two bizarrely contracted food poisoning... on his penis (Getty Stock Image)

The dad-of-two bizarrely contracted food poisoning… on his penis (Getty Stock Image)

Bizarrely, further investigation detected the presence of a bacteria, known as bacillus cereus, on his manhood.

This is a food-borne pathogen which is typically found in rice, cereals, spices, milk and cream which has been left out at room temperature for too long.

According to the NHS, bacillus cereus ‘produces spores that survive heat processing’ and ‘grows rapidly at room temperature producing toxins’, resulting in sickness, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal pain and nausea.

After stewing over the flummoxing food poisoning case, doctors ruled that the man must have contracted the bacterial infection on his penis following the episode of diarrhoea and vomiting – which came almost immediately after he had finished having ‘vigorous sex’ with his wife.

During intercourse, viruses and bacteria can travel more easily between bodies through breaks in the skin – and let’s not forget there’s a ton of bodily fluids flying about.

According to the Daily Mail, medics concluded that the bacillus cereus had somehow come into direct contact with his private region.

They reckoned it was ‘unusual’ to merely see bacillus cereus in the skin for once – so imagine their shock when it managed to penetrate this guy’s penis.

Doctors believe the combination of the rice he had ate and the 'vigorous sex' he had with his life were a perfect storm for bacillus cereus (Getty Stock Image)

Doctors believe the combination of the rice he had ate and the ‘vigorous sex’ he had with his life were a perfect storm for bacillus cereus (Getty Stock Image)

However, it seems a meal containing rice which he had eaten just a day before his symptoms started was to blame.

According to the study, which was published in the journal Annals of Medicine and Surgery, this was the ‘first case in literature’ of a patient suffering food poisoning in the penis.

The father-of-two was given a topical antibiotic called fusidic acid – which is usually used to treat eye infections – while medics also urged him to wash the area ‘properly’ as well as avoiding sex and masturbation until it healed.

Four weeks after the man received his unusual diagnosis, he reported that he was no longer experiencing any burning or discomfort – and luckily, the infection did not return.

Boffins authoring the study in the journal Annals of Medicine and Surgery explained that penile infections typically rear their head after the patient suffers an injury which creates an open wound.

Nine times out of ten, it’s got something to do with the bacteria group, A streptococcus.

The medics added: “In this current case, it is plausible that the diarrhoea and vomitus which contaminated the penis post intercourse is likely the source of the skin infection.”

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Health, Sex and Relationships, Food And Drink, Weird, World News

Olivia Burke

Olivia Burke



Man with 'Britain's biggest penis' answers one question people always ask about his manhood

Matt Barr has recently opened up about the difficulties of having a 14-inch penis

The man with ‘Britain’s biggest penis’ has answered the one question people always ask about his manhood.

It’s not easy having the nation’s biggest penis and Matt Barr, 40, has recently opened up on the reality of his being 14 inches (36cm).

Matt has opened up on having a large penis. (ITV)

Matt has opened up on having a large penis. (ITV)

Matt recently appeared on This Morning where he went into detail about the trials and tribulations of living with such a big penis.

He also spoke about what it was like to date, explaining that it often gets in the way of him forming relationships.

“It’s difficult, because it’s not something you really spring on people as a surprise, because it just does scare people away generally,” said Matt.

“But obviously [you don’t want to be] creepy and bring it up too early. [So] how you start that conversation?”

It’s not just dating where Matt encounters problems.

He’s even had trouble while exercising, explaining that he was once asked to leave a yoga class because it was thought he was aroused.

“I was wearing a very baggy shirt and shorts [but because of the] yoga positions, people just got the wrong idea.

“And that’s the way it sometimes goes, but you can you can dress normally, baggy clothing, and it’s not too difficult.”

With his large asset causing so many problems, many people have asked Matt why he doesn’t do something about it.

The Brit actually revealed the answer to this burning question when This Morning host Ben Shephard asked him whether he had ever considered having surgery.

Matt responded: “I have looked into this – it’s very expensive surgery, it costs about £15,000 roughly.

“It’s not done very often. It’s only done normally, in the cases of tumours and things like that. In the case of normal function, it’s not common.”

It’s something Matt has discussed before on telly, appearing on a Channel 4 show aptly named My Massive C**k, in which he discussed reducing the size of his penis.

Dr Nenad Djakovic explained that Matt’s penis would have to be erect during the operation, before surgeons would then amputate the desired amount.

Understandably, Matt wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about the idea.

Many have wondered why Matt doesn't have surgery (ITV)

Many have wondered why Matt doesn’t have surgery (ITV)

Opening up about his surgery fears during an interview with Metro, Matt explained: “It can lead to poor erectile health afterwards, it’s visually unappealing because of the way they cut away at it – you’re left with stitches and scars – and it’s a very severe choice.

“If I was in a long term relationship I’d want that to be an option we could pursue, but you also have the thought of ‘what if I get a reduction and then I meet someone who would really like [me] when [I] was big?'”

Featured Image Credit: ITV

Topics: Health, TV, Dating trends, Sex and Relationships

Lucy Devine

Lucy Devine

Man with Britain's biggest penis answers question people often wonder about his manhood

Matt Barr opened up about exploring surgical options to ease the inconveniences which his massive penis causes him

There’s probably many questions you would like to ask the bloke who claims to have Britain’s biggest penis, but there is one particular line of inquiry which the general public seem to be fixated on.

Matt Barr’s monstrous manhood has become a celebrity in its own right since his appearance on This Morning earlier this week, where he discussed what it was like to live with a 12-inch penis.

Take a look at this:

As well as struggling to find trousers that fit his crotch properly, the 40-year-old explained that his massive kn*b has made various areas of his life very complicated over the years.

Since realising he was larger than most during his school days, Matt has had to navigate some awkward, embarrassing and downright distressing situations – including giving a past lover a concussion by ‘swinging’ his penis at her.

Those sort of issues and injuries, unfortunately, come with the territory of having a ridiculously large willy, according to the Cambridge university graduate.

During his appearance on This Morning on Tuesday (23 April), Matt revealed that he was once asked to excuse himself from a yoga class because his ‘bulge was a distraction’.

“I was wearing a very baggy shirt and shorts [but because of the] yoga positions, people just got the wrong idea,” he said, before revealing he was also kicked out of a hotel once after being ‘accused of having an erection in the public pool’.

Honestly, can’t the bloke swim or stretch in peace?

The size of Matt Barr's manhood can really inconvenience him (ITV)

The size of Matt Barr’s manhood can really inconvenience him (ITV)

Matt explained he has also stayed away from scuba diving because being in a skin-tight wet suit made him feel ‘self conscious’, so it’s no wonder he’s grown fearful of bringing up the elephant in his pants to his romantic partners.

Discussing how it has affected his confidence on the dating scene, the bloke told the ITV show: “It’s difficult, because it’s not something you really spring on people as a surprise, because it just does scare people away generally.

“But obviously [you don’t want to be] creepy and bring it up too early. [So] how you start that conversation?”

Matt, who wrote a book titled A Long Story: Life With One Of The World’s Largest Penises to bust the myths around the benefits of having a large penis, certainly has a unique set of problems on his hands.

As you can gather, being the man with Britain’s biggest d*ck can be quite the rough ride.

Which is why the majority of people who stumble across Matt’s story just can’t get their head around why he doesn’t do anything about his huge manhood if it causes him to struggle so much.

He has a 12-inch willy, which supposedly makes him the Brit with the biggest penis (ITV)

He has a 12-inch willy, which supposedly makes him the Brit with the biggest penis (ITV)

The Brit actually revealed the answer to this burning question when This Morning host Ben Shephard asked him whether he had ever considered having surgery.

Matt responded: “‘I have looked into this – it’s very expensive surgery, it costs about £15,000 roughly.

‘It’s not done very often. It’s only done normally, in the cases of tumours and things like that. In the case of normal function, it’s not common.”

The 40-year-old had previously discussed the fact he is so well-endowed on a Channel 4 show, which was aptly titled My Massive C***, where he talked through what going under the knife to reduce his size would be like with Dr Nenad Djakovic.

During the sit down with the urology specialist, he revealed he had always wondered what his life would be like if he was three or four inches smaller – but the medic warned even losing an inch could be ‘life-changing’.

The 40-year-old previously looked into surgical remedies for his monstrous manhood (Channel 4)

The 40-year-old previously looked into surgical remedies for his monstrous manhood (Channel 4)

Dr Djakovic explained that Matt’s penis would have to be erect during the operation, before surgeons would then amputate the desired amount before reconstructing his manhood – all of which was enough to put the bloke right off.

Opening up about his surgery fears during an interview with Metro, Matt explained: “It can lead to poor erectile health afterwards, it’s visually unappealing because of the way they cut away at it – you’re left with stitches and scars – and it’s a very severe choice.

“If I was in a long term relationship I’d want that to be an option we could pursue, but you also have the thought of ‘what if I get a reduction and then I meet someone who would really like [me] when [I] was big?'”

Matt has instead tried ‘testosterone blockers and pills that deal with oestrogen and fluid build-up’ to try and reduce the vastness of his penis, as well as hypnotherapy-like audio resources, which claim to promote ‘penis shrinking’.

Neither worked, leading him to book in for in-person sessions with a hypnotist, but this also ‘didn’t do much good’.

God loves a trier, eh.

Featured Image Credit: ITV

Topics: Health, Sex and Relationships, UK News, Weird, Dating trends, This Morning

Olivia Burke

Olivia Burke



Man with 'world's biggest penis' answers question he's always asked about his manhood

For Jonah Falcon, some aspects of daily life can be quite difficult due to his huge penis

You’ve met the bloke who claims to have Britain’s biggest penis, now let me introduce you to his comrade in arms… the man with the largest ding-a-ling on the planet.

There is only 1.5 inches between Matt Barr and Jonah Falcon, but it’s the latter who tops the leaderboard of internationally well-endowed men.

You can think of Falcon as the Brit’s bigger, bolder and American older brother in the world of unusually lengthy penises.

Take a look at this:

The 53-year-old claims to have an appendage which can easily outdo any other fella’s, as it stands to attention at a whopping 13.5 inches when erect.

He says that this allowed him to master the art of autofellatio as a teenager, but he can no longer partake in this hobby due to his crippling ‘upper back pain’.

God works in mysterious ways, eh?

Anyway, Falcon has been basking in the worldwide fame his huge k**b has brought him for the last 25 years, as his appearance in the 1999 HBO documentary Private Dicks: Men Exposed thrust him into the spotlight.

This was followed up by an interview on the The Howard Stern Show, as well as the Channel 4 programme The World’s Biggest Penis a few years later.

Falcon made some pretty audacious claims on these shows – including that he is able to completely envelop a doorknob with his foreskin… which is information that I’m sure we all could have happily gone on without knowing.

Jonah Falcon claims to have the world's biggest penis. (ITV)

Jonah Falcon claims to have the world’s biggest penis. (ITV)

Although his massive penis grants him the ability to perform some weird party tricks, Falcon admits that there are also plenty of drawbacks to having an extra long third leg.

But let’s start with the good stuff first.

During a previous interview with Men’s Health, Falcon explained that he enjoys not having to worry about being at the opposite end of the spectrum and having a todger that is too small, which is a fear a lot of men have.

He said: “I don’t have that insecurity, and I think I have a more open mind because I’m not constantly trying to prove myself.

“I don’t need a fancy car, I don’t need a gun, I happily wear a mask, and so on, because I don’t have to prove my masculinity to anyone else. I’ll wear all pink, dammit!”

His willy is 13.5 inches when erect. (Instagram/@jonahfalcon1970)

His willy is 13.5 inches when erect. (Instagram/@jonahfalcon1970)

But despite the fact he doesn’t need a Lamborghini or a deadly weapon to make him feel good about himself, Falcon does need special ‘incognito’ pants and a lot of patience.

He said that the worst part of having a massive manhood and the entire world knowing about it is the ‘preconceptions’ people now have about him.

Falcon continued: “For some reason, having 13-plus inches means I’m a bad person, or I’m egotistic, or I’m a porn star, or I’m dumb, or I’m a slut. Also, I’m sick and tired of having people wanting me to measure it in front of them.

“I’ve done it 10,000 times – enough already!”

On top of that, the Yank doesn’t exactly enjoy being so tight for room in his trousers and explained it was one of the most challenging aspects to having massive genitalia that people wouldn’t necessarily think of.

He revealed he sometimes wears 'incognito' pants which help disguise his huge penis. (Instagram/@jonahfalcon1970)

He revealed he sometimes wears ‘incognito’ pants which help disguise his huge penis. (Instagram/@jonahfalcon1970)

He said: “My balls are proportionate in size, so I wrap my c**k off to the left so I don’t have all that squeezing.

“I have my ‘incognito’ pants that are baggy, and I put my wallet in the left pocket [to hide my penis from being visible through my pants].”

Oh, what a life.

Signing off with some advice for men who would kill to be in his shoes, Falcon said: “A hot bod and a winning personality will attract far more than a large c**k if you’re looking for sex.

“No one cares if you have a small c**k except yourself. Don’t bring it up, and if they make comments, just show how experienced you are at using your mouth.”

Featured Image Credit: ITV/Instagram/jonahfalcon1970

Topics: World News, US News, Weird, Health

Olivia Burke

Olivia Burke



Man with Britain's largest penis reveals biggest downside to his manhood and admits to making many 'women blush'

Matt Barr claims he was once kicked out of a hotel due to his penis size

Size isn’t everything lads, bigger isn’t always better and all that. And while you might roll your eyes at that usually, it seems it really is true.

Because the man who claims to have the largest penis in the Britain has revealed the biggest downside to his whopper manhood.

Matt Barr hit headlines again as he appeared on This Morning earlier this week to chat about, well, his c*ck.

The 40-year-old says his 12.2-inch penis has caused him plenty of awkward moments over the years – including giving a past lover concussion when he swung his weapon at her.

And he spoke to The Sun about the reaction he’s had from other women as it’s not quite what you’d think.

Because not all ladies are exactly obsessed with the idea of a d*ck this big and can even be put off by it.

Or some simply just get a little awkward. “I’ve made many women blush with embarrassment when talking to them about it,” he said.

Matt Barr. (ITV)

Matt Barr. (ITV)

But Barr continued: “Mostly, though, it’s men who are jealous and try to make jokes. I was nervous to share details of such a private body part on TV but I don’t want it to be shameful.

“Having a big penis is one of the biggest issues I’ve had to deal with in my life. It might sound like every man’s dream but it really isn’t.”

During his telly appearance, the bloke spoke about problems with his clothing and the size of his package and he added to The Sun that he often has to ‘hide it with baggy clothing’.

“I would never go to the supermarket or the gym in tight jeans, for instance. It would be impossible because people would definitely stare and it’s quite impractical, too,” he said.

He's got a whopper of a weapon. (ITV)

He’s got a whopper of a weapon. (ITV)

“Having a big penis is one of the biggest issues I’ve had to deal with in my life. It might sound like every man’s dream but it really isn’t.”

Barr went on to add that people don’t ‘realise the downside’ of having such a big penis as he says he can’t go to public swimming pools ‘unless I’m on holiday abroad and there are no families around’.

“I’m not a big clothes shopper but it’s difficult to find suitable products, and I feel limited in what I wear,” he added.

During This Morning, the author of A Long Story: Life With One Of The World’s Largest Penises claimed he was once booted out of a hotel after being ‘accused of having an erection in the public pool’.

Yeah, that’s pretty unfortunate.

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