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Breaking Down Who the Clawdites Are in Star Wars Lore

Since its inception, the Star Wars universe has introduced fans to various types of species, including Wookiees, Bothans and Yakas. Some of these species (such as Wookiees) have become household names, thanks to characters like Chewbacca. One Star Wars species that isn’t as well-known, however, is the Clawdites. These shape-shifting aliens within the Star Wars universe have appeared in numerous Star Wars stories.

The Clawdites, who resemble reptiles with their skin color and texturing, are a relatively guarded species. Their creation, unfortunately, came with the near destruction of another species. They have been involved in some important events within Star Wars canon, and their has species become valuable to the galaxy due to their shape-shifting abilities. Clawdites were sought as bounty hunters and spies. Over time, the Clawdites went from inhabiting Zolan, to inhabiting the Outer Rim Territories. So, who exactly are the Clawdites? And why are they so important to Star Wars lore?

Who Are the Clawdites?


The Clawdites, sometimes referred to as Changelings, are a shape-shifting reptilian alien species with the ability to change into any humanoid so long as they’re close to their shape. They cannot change their body size when shape-shifting, but by changing into others close in shape, they can use other personas in public to avoid detection.

Clawdites are originally from the planet Zolan and are often depicted as having textured skin in a range of colors, and large eyes like reptiles. They shape-shift by maintaining control over their lymphatic system. Those with better control are capable of growing and shrinking parts of their body at will — to an extent. Clawdites often use mediation and concentration exercises to help them maximize their ability to transform. As is the case with most shape-shifters in sci-fi media, upon death, Clawdites revert to their true selves and appearance.

Their genetic ancestors, the Zolanders, were the original native species on the planet Zolan before the Clawdites. Unlike the Clawdites, the Zolanders were used to the freezing temperatures on Zolan. However, as the heat on the planet continued to rise due to solar radiation, the Zolanders ended up developing a skin-altering gene that resulted in the creation of the Clawdites. They would go on to be overrun by the new species, with the Clawdites overtaking Zolan. Interestingly, their ability to shapeshift would also lead to various issues for the species on Zolan. Due to their ability to transform into others, the Clawdites became a species that was unable to trust their own kind. Among a race of shape-shifters, it’s hard to know if someone is pretending to be someone else.

Some Notable Clawdites in Star Wars

The Clawdites have played a large role in the Star Wars universe throughout the years, from the books, to the comics, to the various adaptations of the beloved franchise. Of the countless Clawdites introduced throughout the Star Wars canon, there are a few that are more noteworthy than others. Two of the most notable Clawdites are Zam Wesell and Cato Parasitti.

Zam Wesell

Zam Wesell is a female Clawdite bounty hunter. She was alive during the final years of the Galatic Republic and often took on the appearance of a female human. Zam made her first appearance in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.

She was born on Zolan and would go on to train with the Mabari, before ultimately leaving in order to become an assassin. She is perhaps best known for teaming up with Jango Fett, serving as his partner on occasion. Her biggest role within the Star Wars universe, however, is in the attempted assassination of Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala to prevent her from speaking up against the Military Creation Act. Unfortunately, the job didn’t go as planned. Despite being hired by Fett for the job, he would go on to kill her while she was being questioned by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Cato Parasitti

Cato Parasitti, also a female Clawdite bounty hunter, made her first appearance during the episode, “Holocron Heist,” of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She was known to carry a long-barreled blaster rifle, and wear a suit that would allow her to copy the clothing of those she transformed into.

While not having appeared nearly as much as Wesell throughout the Star Wars lore, Parasitti did make a name for herself by infiltrating the Jedi Temple on a mission to steal a valuable holocron for Cad Bane. She managed to do so, only to soon run into Ahsoka Tano, who subdued Parasitti and forced her to reveal Bane’s plans to enter the Holocron Vault. And while her revelation didn’t provide enough time to stop Bane then, Ahsoka was able to tell Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker Bane’s next target in time.

The Clawdites have proven to be a vital part of Star Wars lore. While not as well known a species as some others, both Zam Wesell and Cato Parasitti are prime examples that these beings have left their mark on the galaxy far, far away. And they’re here to stay, whether it be in prose, comics, or other adaptations. The Clawdites are a powerful race that live to fight another day.

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