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Harry Potter: 7 Most Popular Fan Theories


  • Ron may have the ability to predict the future without even realizing it, based on his foreshadowing comments and strategic gameplay in chess.
  • There is a fan theory that J.K. Rowling is a squib and the real-life equivalent of the infamous reporter Rita Skeeter, adding her personal touch to the stories.
  • Neville Longbottom, though not the chosen one in most people’s eyes, played a crucial role in defeating Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts, making him an equally deserving hero.

Almost a decade after the conclusion of Harry Potter‘s story, many fans still come up with interesting and sometimes logical theories surrounding the series. The development of social media also spreads these possible theories like wildfire, especially for those who are still left with many curious questions about the magical world of Harry Potter.

Many fan theories have been confirmed as canon, specifically by J.K. Rowling on Twitter. However, there are also a lot of unanswered questions regarding certain fan theories that could just as easily be canon, too.

7 Ron, A Hidden Seer

So Hidden To The Point That He Does Not Even Know It


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This theory states that Ron is able to predict the future without even knowing it. The ability to see the future is not overly rare in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, but it does receive skepticism, even from the bright witch Hermione Granger, and it is often seen as an unstable ability.

However, many instances in the book suggest that Ron seems able to foreshadow certain events, like when he has to lead the golden trio in a magical chess game during The Sorcerer’s Stone. He also made seemingly innocent comments about Moaning Myrtle being killed by Tom Riddle and many more. Also, his ability to play chess is taken by many as a way for him to strategically predict the future, according to chess game rules.

6 J.K. Rowling Is Rita Seeker

She Is A Squib Who Does A Tell-All


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One of the most hated characters from Harry Potter, Rita Seeker, is a reporter who only chases fame and money. As a reporter, she does not hold back from making up stories that sell well, even if it means hurting her subjects along the way.

The theory itself suggests that J.K. Rowling might be a squib who has a similar profession and even shares the same identity as Rita Seeker. Some theorize that J.K. Rowling is a person who has a close connection to the ever-famous Harry Potter and that she adds her own personal touch to her stories so that they can be shared with the muggle world.

5 The Importance of Neville Longbottom

An Equally Deserving Chosen One


  • Source: Reddit

Neville Longbottom is a character that is most adored for his clumsy nature and kindness, yet he has also proven his bravery and courageousness at many points throughout the Harry Potter series. This theory itself developed within the fandom based on a prophecy that Sybill Trelawney concocted, wherein the Dark Lord would be defeated by a child born at the end of the seventh month.

Harry and Neville were both born in the seventh month of that year. In the end, Voldemort chose to go to the Potters, and this resulted in the plot that fans know. However, Neville Longbottom succeeds in drawing Gryffindor’s Sword at the last minute during the Battle of Hogwarts, and he uses it to leave Voldemort vulnerable, giving Harry the chance to finally defeat him. Without Neville’s actions during this battle, Voldemort may never have met his end. He may not be the chosen one in everyone else’s eyes, but there is still a chance that he was the boy the prophecy spoke of.

4 Luna Uses How She Is Seen To Her Advantage

Exaggerates And Bends The Truth


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Luna Lovegood is described as a character who sparks judgmental remarks from the people around her because of her antics. She believes in the absurdity of things, often “unique” concepts that even people in the magical world deem strange. She never seems to lie and likes to tell the truth, no matter if that makes her look like a strange person to others. That said, there are times when she will say something that seems almost impossible for anyone to believe.

Though it is likely that Lunalovegood believes in a great deal of strange things, it is difficult to ignore how often she relies on these beliefs when it benefits her. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it is still interesting to examine her character with a more critical lens to differentiate between when she is being genuine and when she is looking to use one’s perception of her to her advantage.

3 Hagrid Has Seen The Power of The Elder Wand

He Is Just Unaware Of It


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Hagrid is another misunderstood character who is often seen as lower and subordinate because of his background. Being a half-giant half-human in a world where blood purity is seen as a huge deal has definitely resulted in Hagrid receiving the short end of the stick.

He used to study at Hogwarts before he was accused of keeping a monster in the Chamber of Secrets, which resulted in him being expelled. At one point, his wand was also snapped and broken. Fortunately for him, Dumbledore always trusted him, and many speculate that he fixed Hagrid’s wand using the Elder Wand.

2 Why Neville Always Forgets

It Is More Than His Clumsiness


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Neville went through many traumatic events after his parents were tortured with the Cruciatus curse at the hands of the powerful Bellatrix Lestrange. This theory suggests that Neville witnessed the torture his parents had to endure, and the doctors simply tried to erase such a traumatic event from his mind by using Obliviate, the memory charm.

This would easily explain why Neville’s memory is so bad and why he needs a Remembrall to remember even the smallest things. If this event had not occurred, Neville’s potential might have been unleashed, and he could have become a much more gifted and powerful wizard.

1 It Was All Just A Dream

“Is This Real? Or Has This Been Happening Inside My Head?”


  • Source: Reddit

By far one of the most popular Harry Potter fan theories to boot is the theory that Harry is just imagining all the adventures he went on. As known by most, Harry is an orphan who grew up in a toxic and abusive household that didn’t care about his well-being.

Lonely, depressed, and deprived of basic parental love, it has made many wonder if Harry created the great fantasy from within his tiny little cupboard under the stairs as a means of coping with reality. In The Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling seems to touch on this topic, even if it is indirect. When Harry is in limbo, he asks Professor Dumbledore if everything is real or if he was just in his head. This might refer to the Deathly Hallows itself and not the entire franchise, but for many, this can also be interpreted as a subtle nod to the fan theory.

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