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One Piece 1103: Kuma To The Rescue

One Piece finally returned with chapter 1103 earlier this week and it is safe to say that this was one of the most emotionally packed chapters that Oda has delivered in the Egghead Island arc. From start to finish, the Egghead Island arc has been nothing short of fantastic for the fans to go through.

Oda has surpassed all expectations, given that this was the very first arc in the Final Saga and one that fans did not expect too much from since the intensity in sagas is usually built slowly and the first arcs are not always the best. Despite all that, Oda delivered a magnificent arc that is easily in contention for one of the best arcs in the story. One Piece chapter 1103 pushed the arc closer to its end as the flashback finally concluded and the main battle against Saturn resumed once again.

Vegapunk and Bonney Make Peace


As was expected, at the beginning of One Piece chapter 1103, fans got a proper scene of Bonney reuniting with vegapunk after she witnessed the memories of her father. Once she did that, Bonney finally realized that Vegapunk was not the real villain. Bonney apologized for her treatment of vegapunk and decided to hug him. This was quite a heartwarming moment for the fans, and it was one that many of them had expected since the beginning of the arc, simply because Vegapunk was never going to be the villain of the arc and, of course, Bonney had to know the truth at the same time. As soon as she found out the truth about her father’s life, Bonney hugged Vegapunk, and the two made peace. Bonney even received a present from Vegapunk, which Kuma left for her 10th birthday and it was a sapphire that looked like the sun. Of course, the very obvious symbolism here is that the sun represents Nika and the Sun God and the jewel of sapphire represents Bonney’s disease which she beat despite all odds.

According to Kuma, this is a protective charm to keep Bonney safe at all times. When speaking of Vegapunk and his role in the Egghead Island arc, it has been made abundantly clear to the fans that he is a scientist for hire and, for the first time, in this chapter, Vegapunk regrets this role of his. However, Bonney is there for him in his darkest moment and tells him that the real villain is none other than Saint Saturn.

The Secrets Of The Toshi Toshi no Mi


One Piece chapter 1103 then returned to the present timeline, where Bonney and Saturn held a very heated argument. Bonney wasted absolutely no time in trying to attack Saturn and she did so by turning herself into Nika. However, this attempt failed, and the reason why was explained shortly afterwards. Thankfully, fans finally got an explanation to how Bonney’s powers work in One Piece chapter 1103. According to Saturn, the one who gave Bonney the Devil Fruit was none other than him. Saturn attempted to give an infant a Devil Fruit ability without having them consume the fruit itself. This was done by extracting a strain of the Devil Fruit and infusing the body of the infant with it. While this experimentation was successful, Saturn deemed the fruit to not be all that special anyway. According to him, the power of the Devil Fruit is such that it allows the user to transform into any imaginable future possible, however, as their future becomes more certain, the possibilities of transformation lessen.

This means that Bonney, who has now been doubting the existence of Nika, cannot transform into him anymore and that is precisely why Bonney could not utilize her power to the fullest when she tried to transform into Nika. Saturn, at the same time, realized that Bonney had not drawn a connection to Luffy’s white form and Nika yet. As a result, Saturn tried to belittle Nika as much as possible to make sure her faith in him remained shaky and that she doesn’t become a threat to him in the future.

Saturn’s Attempt To Kill Bonney


Of course, the story picked up right from where it left off before the flashback began and that is the execution of Jewelry Bonney. Bonney was about to be executed by a firing squad at first, however, Saturn saw to it that he took center stage and killed her himself. By this point in the story, Bonney was completely broken and her faith was fading. She did not believe in anything and, according to her, the best thing that she could get at this point was nothing other than death. This is quite expected, given that Bonney had led a very difficult life from the very beginning. She was born in misery and carried one of the worst diseases anyone could possibly have. Her life was limited and her father sold himself into slavery essentially to cure her. What’s worse, his father even sold his own humanity to save his daughter, and now that she set out to the sea to save him, she realizes that that might not be possible and the only glimmer of hope that she had might not even exist.

Bonney’s breakdown in One Piece chapter 1103 is completely understandable, and it serves a great purpose as it raises the stakes of the chapter even further as well as packs quite an emotional punch. However, the payoff for this is incredible as, towards the end of the chapter, the actual hero of the arc, Kuma shows up once again.

Kuma Arrives


Kuma has been traveling for quite a long time and many fans have been wondering as to where he is headed. In One Piece chapter 1103, this location was confirmed to be Egghead Island. As seen in the chapter, it has now been confirmed that he was headed to Egghead and that he wanted to rescue his daughter. Kuma arrived on Egghead in this chapter and he did so in quite some style. He blew away the Pacifistas as well as the Marines, and ran through towards the center of the island. All those who were taking aim at Bonney’s head were completely blown away by Kuma in a second, and when Saturn tried to execute Bonney, he decided to shield her with his own back and picked her up in his hand, saving her life once again. After seeing her own father, Bonney completely broke down and Kuma, who was infuriated by this point in the story, turned his rage towards Saturn.

This hit especially hard for the fans, knowing that he was the one responsible for Ginny and Bonney developing the Sapphire Scale Disease. Fans should, however, note that Saturn was not the one whom Ginny was forcibly married to. As confirmed by the official release of One Piece, he was a fellow in the Holy Land of Marijoa. Regardless, Kuma’s rage towards Saturn is bottomless and he will get his revenge. At the same time, Luffy is nearing his return as well and fans can only hope that One Piece continues to get better from here onward.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. Since One Piece is going to be on break, the release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1104, is set to be January 21, 2024.

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