Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece debuted in “Weekly Shonen Jump” in 1997, with the anime adaptation of the series launching just two years later. Following the adventures of Luffy D Monkey and his pirate crew, the Straw Hats, they’re out on the open seas hunting for the amassed treasure of Gol D Roger. In the opening sequence, Roger claims the One Piece is right where he left it, but those searching will have to cover the expanse of the world if they have any hopes of finding it. Though Luffy and the Straw Hats aren’t the only ones searching for the One Piece, they do share one thing in common with all of their competitors: No one has a clue what the One Piece actually is.

With more than 1000 episodes and 15 films in the franchise, The Straw Hat Pirates have seen their share of adventure and adversity. Between enemy pirates and the World Government’s Marines, the journey to find the One Piece hasn’t been easy. Fortunately, for fans who’ve been paying attention to the series since its launch, there are a few clues that not only reveal the location of the One Piece, but potentially offer some hints about exactly what it is.

What Is the One Piece Treasure?

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Little is known about the contents of the One Piece treasure, save that it was amassed by the Pirate King Gol D Roger, Captain of the Roger Pirates, before his death, and combined with the found treasure of a mythical ancient figure known as Joy Boy. The value is said to be immeasurable, but given recurring themes of friendship and found family, some have come to speculate that it may be more personally gratifying than monetarily valuable.

While there was an opportunity for Luffy (and the fans) to learn more about the One Piece when Usopp asked Silvers Rayleigh about it during their travels together, Luffy put a stop to it. For him, the mystery of the One Piece was just as much a part of his journey to becoming a Pirate King as finding it. Whatever it is they seek, they do know that it is located on Laugh Star, the final island at the edge of the New World, and the only way to find that island is by piecing together the four Road Poneglyphs found along the Grand Line. These are said to reveal a fifth and final Rio Poneglyph, which details the entire history of the world.

Who Is Joy Boy?

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According to One Piece lore, Joy Boy is a mythical figure who lived during the Void Century, which was around 800 or so years prior to the current timeline. Not only was he responsible for establishing Fish-Man Island, but it was said that he left behind an invaluable treasure on the last island of the Grand Line. Joy Boy was prophesied to return in 800 years time, and there have been multiple instances that suggest this reincarnated symbol of light and joy is none other than the series’ main protagonist Luffy.

One of the most prominent of these occurred when Luffy consumed the devil fruit and awakened his Gear 5 form, prompting the island-carrying elephant Zunesha to remark that Joy Boy had returned. Some have also theorized that Joy Boy is Nika the Sun God, and the same has been said about Luffy. Still, this doesn’t get any closer to revealing the nature of the treasure Joy Boy left behind.

What Is the One Piece Theory?

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Over the years, a number of theories have amassed about the One Piece. One of the most talked about is the likelihood that the treasure contains the three ancient weapons. This would explain why the World Government has worked so hard to keep people from reaching the treasure. Another reason the World Government might want to stop the pirates from finding the treasure is that it could expose a major chunk of history that villainizes them even more than they’ve already managed to do with their current-world activities. If it is the lost Ancient Kingdom, unearthed secrets could tear the World Government to pieces. Some even speculate that it might be the end of the Red Line, which would open up the waters and connect the entire world (ironically, making it all one piece).

Of course, there have been other theories that seem less likely. A lot of fans think the real reward after everything Luffy and the Straw Hats have done is the friendships they built along the way. They’ve become a powerful family, and while that’s all great and good, it’s highly unlikely Gol D Roger would have put so much effort into such a sappy reward.

What Does Eiichiro Oda Say About the One Piece Theories?

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One Piece creator, Eiichrio Oda, has noted on numerous occasions that he doesn’t really like to comb through fan theories, mostly because they often end up being right. On the matter of the One Piece treasure, however, he has stated that it is a real treasure, and not the Straw Hat friendships or their journey. In fact, Oda noted, “I hate that kind of thing. When I was a kid, I was not happy with The Wizard of Oz, that the adventure is in itself a treasure. That story was unacceptable. Luffy has a great journey, so therefore, give him a proper treasure.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time a creator threw out an attempt to steer fans away from their end game with an outright lie, but it doesn’t seem likely in this case. Oda has dedicated more than 25 years to One Piece, putting an incredible amount of thought and time into the lore for his world. The chances of the One Piece being one of the sturdier fan theories is far more likely than Oda going back on his word in regard to Luffy getting a proper treasure.