Spider-Man: No Way Home had huge ramifications for Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it all stemmed from mishaps with the multiverse. The result was that any memory of Peter was completely erased from public knowledge, with even Spider-Man’s closest friends no longer remembering him. Despite this saddening situation, there is a chance that his love interest might still have some lingering inkling of his existence.

A video from popular Youtuber New Rockstars suggests that Zendaya’s MJ might still remember Peter Parker due to the nature of dreams in the MCU. This could explain her seemingly recognizing him in the film’s conclusion, and presents the possibility that the two will get back together. Here’s how the multiverse may save the MCU’s most popular relationship.

MJ Could Remember Peter – And Multiverse of Madness Proves It

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In Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness, it was explained that dreams in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were a way of glimpsing into the multiverse. This is why there’s a sense of deja vu and unease among those who dream, as they experience other timelines that have familiar elements to their own but with key differences. Such a concept has been used to explain the strange “visions” seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron, with the Avengers seeing scenes far different from their current realities.

Such a theory is believed by Eric Voss of New Rockstars, who suggests that MJ “knew” Peter Parker from her dreams. In the end of No Way Home, she looks at Peter as if she’s vaguely familiar with him and trying to figure out how, with her statement that her head wound “doesn’t really hurt anymore” backing this up. After all, if he’s simply some figment of her dreams, she might be fine with letting him go, not realizing the gravity of their previous relationship. She’s likely dreamed of other worlds in the multiverse where she and Peter continued to be close, though their status as dreams made remembering them somewhat difficult.

Nevertheless, she still recognized some aspect of Peter Parker, perhaps even seeing into the multiverse and witnessing the love between Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker and Kirsten Dunst’s version of MJ. If that’s the case, fans may finally be able to get their wishes and see the two reunited in the future, though this depends entirely on plans between Sony and Marvel Studios going forward.

Is There Still a Chance for the MCU’s Peter and MJ?

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If MJ begins realizing that there’s more to the stranger in the coffee shop than she realized, she could begin investigating him as she notices him more around the city. The result could be her confronting him and Peter finally relenting by revealing the veritable deal with the devil he made to stop the shake-up of the multiverse. Of course, this information might not go over too well, with MJ lashing out at him or swearing him off entirely. This would put a truly permanent end to their relationship, making it even more tragic.

The future role of MJ in the MCU and her potentially being replaced by another love interest such as Gwen Stacy is all highly debatable at this point. Sony co-owns the cinematic rights to Spider-Man with Marvel Studios, and they’re in the midst of developing their own Sony Spider-Man Universe of movies. Spidey may very well be relegated to their movies outside of big crossovers such as the upcoming Avengers films. On top of that, Marvel Studios likely wants to move on to new characters in any potential solo Spider-Man movies in the MCU to not repeat what’s been done and keep Peter’s sacrifice in No Way Home from being overturned. Thus, while there’s a chance that Peter and MJ could get back together, there are several obstacles that will keep this from happening.