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One Piece Chapter 1098 Preview: Ginny’s Rescue


  • One Piece chapter 1098 will focus on Ginny’s kidnapping and the Revolutionary Army’s efforts to rescue her, showcasing the strength of their bonds and potentially revealing the identity of the kidnapper.
  • Fans are excited to see Dragon, who has not fought in One Piece before, take action and showcase his true capabilities in the rescue mission.
  • Kuma will play a central role in the chapter, potentially leading the rescue operation and getting some fighting time, while the fate of Ginny and her relationship with Kuma remains uncertain.

One Piece is not on break this week and that only means fans are excited to witness the events of the upcoming One Piece chapter 1098. The story is currently tackling the flashback of Bartholomew Kuma and the last few chapters have been nothing short of incredible for the fans.

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Moving forward, One Piece is going to get more intense, given that in the previous chapter, Ginny was kidnapped. From here onwards, Oda will ramp up the intensity of the arc and make it even more exciting in more ways than one.

Ginny’s Kidnapping


In the previous chapter of One Piece, fans saw the creation of the Revolutionary Army and that is certainly something that One Piece chapter 1098 will focus on as well. Previously, fans saw how Dragon and Ivankov stormed the Sorbet Kingdom and, there, overthrew the king of the country. In the process, they also managed to free the captives, such as Kuma and Ginny. Given that Kuma was already a huge admirer of Dragon at this point, it is no surprise that he wanted to join his group. Following Kuma, Ginny also joined up with the Revolutionary Army and these two characters became pivotal to their growth. Kuma became the third pillar of the army, which is actually what gave birth to it in the first place and, Ginny, on the other hand, became the East Army Commander of the Revolutionary Army, a position that was later given to Belo Betty. In the previous chapter, fans finally got to see the Revolutionary Army expand their operations and when they did that, it became clear that Dragon was leading a very calculated revolution.

After a very successful run, the time for Ginny to meet up with Kuma had come. However, this wasn’t possible since she was attacked by a mysterious person and that is exactly what One Piece chapter 1098 is going to be all about. Fans are incredibly excited to see what transpires from here onwards and how Kuma and the Revolutionary Army will tackle this predicament.

Kuma and Dragon On The Rescue


In the last panel of the previous chapter, fans saw Dragon receive a message about Ginny’s kidnapping. One Piece chapter 1098 will most likely continue from here onwards. Fans will get to see Dragon break this news to his other underlings and most likely Kuma as well. Given that Ginny is the East Army Commander and, thus, one of the strongest and most important members of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon can’t just stand by and let this happen. The time has come for him to make a move and that is something that One Piece chapter 1098 might throw some light on. This might be the first time that fans get to see Dragon on the move and that is good in many ways.

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For one, fans have not really seen Dragon fight in One Piece at all. The kidnapping of Ginny might give him enough of a reason to be on the move and showcase what he is truly capable of. At the same time, fans will also get to see the strength of the bonds of the Revolutionary Army. The one particular character that fans should be focused on here is Kuma. Ginny means more to him than anyone else and if anyone is leading an operation to rescue her, it should be Kuma. Whether Dragon tags along or not remains to be seen, however, regardless of that, this is likely going to be a very interesting rescue mission, and fans are absolutely excited to see it take shape in One Piece chapter 1098.

Ginny’s Role in One Piece Chapter 1098


One Piece chapter 1098 will also throw some light on Ginny and her fate. For one, the biggest thing that the upcoming chapter could reveal to the fans is the identity of the kidnapper of Ginny. Fans know that this kidnapper cannot be some weak person. Ginny is the East Army Commander of the Revolutionary Army. To put that into perspective, Belo Betty, who currently holds this position, has a bounty of over 400 million berries on her head and, for someone to kidnap such a strong person, they need to be extremely powerful as well. At the same time, Oda chose not to reveal the identity of the person who managed to kidnap her. This is huge in many ways.

For one, this implies that Oda did not want to show the face of this person, meaning that it could actually be a familiar face. The person who kidnapped Ginny might have their identity revealed in One Piece chapter 1098 and fans are very excited to see that happen.

As to who this person is going to be, fans do not have many clues just yet, however, it could be someone that they have already encountered. Regardless, Ginny is also going to be important in other ways in One Piece chapter 1098. For instance, it will be interesting to see how she fares on her own. She is a powerful woman herself and, perhaps, she will not even need rescuing in the first place. Only the next chapter of the story can answer this question for the fans.

Kuma Saves The Day


Of course, Kuma will also have a big role to play in One Piece chapter 1098. The flashback is all about him, in the first place, and that means Kuma will be at the center of it. It is highly likely that the mission to rescue Ginny will be taken on by Kuma himself. This means Kuma could end up getting some fighting time in OP 1098 and that is always fun for the fans to see. Perhaps, Kuma will end up freeing Ginny and the two will then team up together to fight against those who kidnapped her. A lot of people are expecting Ginny to end up dying here.

However, it is likely that she will not fall here but later down the line in the story. This is because Kuma and Ginny have to develop their relationship further. At the same time, it is highly likely that they end up having a child together and that child is none other than Bonney. Bonney isn’t born yet and Ginny can’t simply die before Kuma and she progress their relationship even further. Even without Bonney, their relationship isn’t as strong at the moment. Of course, it is beautiful to see, however, Oda hasn’t put as much work into it as is required and that means Ginny will most likely be saved and something tragic will happen to her later down the line.

In One Piece chapter 1098, it is highly likely that Ginny will end up being saved and the Revolutionary Army will only go from strength to strength. With things such as Ginny’s rescue, Dragon’s potential first fight, Kuma’s rescue operation and the identity of the kidnapper, One Piece chapter 1098 has a lot in store for the fans and one can only hope that Oda delivers on, at least, some of these plot points.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1098, is set to be November 12, 2023.

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