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My Hero Academia: Horikoshi Confirms Shigaraki As The Strongest Villain


  • The Final War Saga in My Hero Academia has been on an enormous scale, surpassing even the previous Paranormal Liberation War arc. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
  • All For One, the legendary villain, was the strongest in the series but ultimately failed to achieve his plans. Bakugo played a crucial role in defeating him and surpassing his power.
  • Shigaraki, a formidable and overwhelming villain, has officially surpassed All For One as the greatest and most powerful villain in My Hero Academia. His control over his powers and destructive abilities make him unstoppable.

My Hero Academia is in its Final Saga right now and this part of the story has been nothing short of extraordinary for the fans to witness. The scale of the Final War Saga has been absolutely enormous and it is such that it dwarfs even the Paranormal Liberation War arc, which was a battle fought on a large scale itself. In the case of the Final War Saga, the very very best in the story gathered here and fought a battle that would go on to decide the fate of humanity as a whole.

Of course, the heroes were up against the villains of the Paranormal Liberation Army and it certainly was a hard-fought battle. Now, the Final War Saga of My Hero Academia is nearing its very end, with Shigaraki being the only one left standing on the opposition side. However, before Shigaraki falls, his status as the strongest in the entire series has finally been confirmed.

The Legendary Status Of All For One


When it comes to All For One, fans know the legendary status that this person has. All For One is nothing short of incredible as a fighter. He was able to take many eras by storm and establish himself as the dominant force. His era of villainy was such that none could hold their own against him, that is, until All Might came along. All For One was pure and utter destruction compressed into a human form. He was so strong and power-hungry that he could do whatever he wished without anyone being able to stop him.

In fact, he was quite easily My Hero Academia’s very best villain and, even now, he remains to be the very best villain in the story. All For One was a truly evil villain with evil motivations and that certainly is a very rare breed of villains nowadays. Fans thoroughly enjoyed this character and the level of fear that he put into the likes of the Heroes who stood in his path. From the battle in Kamino, all the way to the battles in the Final Saga, every single time that All For One was on screen was absolutely magnificent for the fans to witness and he really elevated the story in many ways.

When it comes to the strength of this monstrous fighter, fans already know that All For One was nearly unmatched. He was able to kill nearly every vestige of the One For All and overpower nearly all of them. All Might was able to defeat All For One, however, All For One was smarter than him and surpassed him in many ways. Despite everything, in the end, All For One could not prevent his downfall and all of his plans getting ruined.

The Defeat Of All For One


All For One certainly asserted his dominance in My Hero Academia from the very beginning, however, in the end, he was not able to see his plans come to fruition. All For One was responsible for the Final War, and everything that was happening revolved around him, yet, he failed. This was largely down to the collaborative effort of everyone who tried their best to stop him. At the end of the day, All Might stepped in his path and fought a great battle against him, weakening him greatly. Unfortunately, however, he was not strong enough to defeat All For One by himself. That is when Bakugo stepped in and decided to take over from the Former Number One Hero.

Bakugo did this in great fashion, managing to not only match but also overpower All For One greatly. He awakened his Quirk and this aided him greatly in battle and allowed him to overwhelm All For One. Even his ultimate weapon, All For One Goal, was completely destroyed by Bakugo and, at the end of it all, his Howitzer Impact barrage was enough to see him get defeated. Of course, it must be noted that Bakugo was not on the same level as All For One and it was the accumulation of damage that eventually defeated him. All For One was a magnificent villain who met a great end in the story, however, he did not go down in My Hero Academia as its strongest villain. That title has officially passed to Shigaraki.

Shigaraki – The Greatest MHA Villain


Currently, Shigaraki is one of the most incredible characters in My Hero Academia. Even when considering his strength alone, Shigaraki is monstrous. He has hit a special level of power that hardly anyone can match in battle. Shigaraki is incredibly overpowered after all the experiments that have been done on his body and the number of quirks that he has stolen. This is also down to the power to steal Quirks that he inherited from All For One and the abilities that he has used to bolster himself. His mental strength is absolutely immense, given that he was able to fight off the influence of All For One, and all that, taken into consideration, has made him one of the most overwhelming villains to have ever stepped foot in Japan. In My Hero Academia’s latest chapter, it was all but confirmed that Shigaraki has officially surpassed All For One as the greatest villain.

This was confirmed by the chapter’s title itself, which label Shigaraki as the greatest and most powerful villain. When the vestiges of One For All were speaking among themselves after Danger Sense was stolen, they openly referred to Shigaraki as a destruction incarnate. A direct comparison with All For One was also drawn here and they said that he far surpasses the image of the next All For One and, this in itself, is proof that she gotaki is far stronger than All For One and much more dangerous than him.

Is Shigaraki Stronger Than All For One?


Taking everything into consideration, it can be said that Shigaraki is certainly stronger than All For One when he was in his prime. He has magnificent control over the quirk stealing ability and he even proved that when he stole danger sense from Deku, which is a task that should be incredibly difficult. On top of all that, the way he combines various quirks is nothing short of magnificent and certainly not inferior to All For One. His biggest strength is, of course, his power of decay and he is able to spread decay so fast that he can eventually destroy the entirety of Japan and, from there onwards, the world, if he wills.

Shigaraki is absolutely unstoppable as a villain and certainly the strongest character in My Hero Academia at the moment, matched only by the likes of Deku. Even though All For One had a great legacy, he will not go down in the story as the greatest villain and that title will officially go to Shigaraki, who does everything that he did better. Of course, that doesn’t make Shigaraki the better villain. Overall, All For One seems to be a much more intimidating, and overwhelming villain, however, in terms of strength, he has been far surpassed by Shigaraki, which is also indicated by the fact that Deku is the one taking him on while Bakugo was the one taking All For One on.

My Hero Academia is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of My Hero Academia, My Hero Academia chapter 412, is set to be January 21, 2024.

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