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My Hero Academia: The Paranormal Liberation War Arc, Explained


  • Wars bring inevitable destruction and loss of life, no matter the purpose behind them.
  • Hawks played a crucial role in preparing pro-heroes for the Paranormal Liberation War.
  • Villains like Tomura Shigaraki create chaos, revealing secrets and causing turmoil within the hero society.

Nothing is ever the same after a war, and regardless of the purpose of starting a war, it is still bad because lives are going to be lost and destruction is inevitable. My Hero Academia’s Paranormal Liberation War Arc would not have kicked off without Hawks, as he was able to give the pro-heroes intel to get them to prepare for the war that the Paranormal Liberation Front was planning.

The Paranormal Liberation Front is an organization of villains formed by the League of Villains and headed by no one other than Tomura Shigaraki. The group planned a war to cause chaos. It is safe to say that this arc got fans on the edge of their seats because of all the events that transpired. Secrets were exposed, lives were lost, and families were ruined, all thanks to the Paranormal Liberation Front.

The Heroes Launch A Surprise Attack

The Pro Heroes vs The Paranormal Liberation Front


With the tip the pro-heroes got from Hawks, they started making moves, training themselves and their students for the battle that lies ahead. The heroes were able to use the element of surprise to throw the villains off at the beginning of the fight, and this was successful as they were able to strategically divide themselves between the hospital and the Paranormal Liberation Front’s hideout.

Miriko was able to take down a lot of Nomus in the hospital’s underground laboratory, getting there in the nick of time to stop the operation before it was completed. Unfortunately, the heroes were unable to neutralize the greatest threat, Tomura Shigaraki, from unawakening from the experiment. On the other hand, the other heroes at the hideout were able to successfully take down some villains while Hawks battled and killed Twice, a villain. Dabi is angered by this and intends to make Hawks suffer the same fate as Twice, but Tokoyami is able to save Hawks at the dying minute.

Things get progressively worse for the heroes now that Shigarki is awake, and he uses his Decay quirk to destroy the city. Shigarki is after Midoriya and his One For All quirk, and the heroes, especially Endeavour, try to stop him from reaching young Midoriya.

The heroes had their time with their element of surprise; now it is the villains’ turn as Tomura awakens Gigantomachia and instructs him to bring the league of villains with him. While waiting, Endeavour, Deku, Bakugo, Eraserhead, and other heroes all try to destroy him, but to no avail, as this terror of fear is stronger than ever and his body regenerates at an incredibly fast pace.

Dabi’s Secret Identity And One Other Are Revealed

The Whereabouts Of Endevour’s First Son Comes To Light And A Hero Is Outed For Killing A Villian

Every fan of My Hero Academia should be familiar with Dabi and who he is. During this arc, Dabi shares a secret about his family: he is the son of the number one hero in Japan, Endeavour. This secret shocked everyone, including his family, and caused chaos in the Hero society. The Shoto family all believed that Dabi, whose real name is Toya Todoroki, was dead after he lost control of his flame quirk when he was younger.

It is revealed that Toya just wanted his father’s love, admiration, and support, but his father, Endeavour, was busy looking for the right offspring that would defeat All Might, and once he saw that Toya was not the one, he moved on from him and went on to create another offspring, and he got Shoro Todoroki, the perfect son who had equal distributions of both his parents quirks.

Toya never stopped trying to get his father’s attention, and that is what eventually pushed him to the edge and into the open arms of the League of Villains, who take him in. Endeavor is beyond shocked and dumbfounded about this revelation, as he cannot believe his son is still alive and is Dabi. Dabi also revealed to the entire world that Hawks killed Twice, painting the beloved hero as a villain in sheep’s clothing.

The Fight Continues As Best Jeanist Makes A Reappearance

Tomura, Gigantomachia, and others versus The Heroes

The war is still going on strong, as the villains seem to have the upper hand. No surprise there, as they have been preparing for this moment for months, and even though they were caught by surprise, their goal still remains. The heroes, on the other hand, are struggling to keep up. Endeavor is in shock, but luckily, the other heroes are there to fight back, and Best Jeanist, whom everyone thought was dead, makes a grand entrance and restrains Gigantomachia.

All hands are on deck for the heroes as they are fiercely fighting back, and Dabi and Shoto have a faceoff, but Shoto’s flames and ice are no match for Dabi’s blue flames. After a long and strenuous battle, the villains retreat, and the heroes painfully watch as they do so. Midoriya, once again, ends up severely injured and in the hospital.

The Aftermath Of The Battle

The Fall Of The Hero Society?


Some villains were captured and arrested, while others were able to escape. As said before, destruction is inevitable during a battle. Lives were lost, and people were stuck under debris and separated from their loved ones. The Hero Society suffered a great blow, and most heroes hung their capes and left the scene for those who wanted to stay. To top it all off, All For One and other dangerous criminals escape from prison thanks to Tomura and the remaining villains from the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Fans get a glimpse into Hawks’s past. The petty villains are all out to play since society does not have trust in the hero society anymore, and the civilians have decided to take matters into their own hands. The whole world of My Hero Academia is in chaos, and it is safe to say that the plans of the Paranormal Liberation Front worked.

More light is shed on Endeavour’s family and his quest for power, making Toya into Dabi. He apologizes, and although the damage has been done, he is very remorseful and plans to do better. Izuku Midoriya has a conversation with the past users of One For All, and he sees just how much of a threat he is to his friends by staying with them.

This arc leads to the Dark Hero Arc as Midoriya departs from UA High, leaving his friends behind and exposing the secret of his quirk. One thing is for sure: the eyes of students at UA High are now open, and now, more than ever, they are determined to become strong heroes so that they can help Midoriya when his time comes to face All For One.

My Hero Academia is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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