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LOTR: Who Was In The Council Of Elrond Other Than The Fellowship?

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  • Erestor, Chief Counselor Of Elrond
  • Glóin
  • Glorfindel Of Rivendell
  • Galdor of the Havens

The Council of Elrond is an essential scene from the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, and was one of the longest chapters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring novel. It’s where the fate of the One Ring was decided, and the Fellowship was formed. In many ways, it’s the moment that the real adventure begins.

Of course, The Lord of the Rings lovers know that the members of the Fellowship were all there – Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, and the four hobbits. But what about the rest of the council? Who was important enough to attend this very historic meeting? While the movie focuses on the main characters, the book notes even more players who had a hand in planning the strategy to save Middle-earth.

Erestor, Chief Counselor Of Elrond

Just like a political debate on the floor of the House or Senate, the Council of Elrond had many sides and many disagreements. The problem of what to do with the One Ring was turned and examined from every angle, and everyone knew what the consequences would bring should the Ring fall into Sauron’s hands.

One important member of the council was the elf Erestor – Elrond’s relative and his Chief Counselor. Very little is known about Erestor or his history, but the fact that he attended this extremely important meeting says that he had earned Elrond’s trust and respect. During the council when the One Ring was revealed, Erestor suggested that they give it to Tom Bombadil, since it seemed to have no power over him. Gandalf rejected the idea, believing that Tom would end up losing the Ring and forgetting about it due to his flighty nature.

When it was decided that the only thing to do with the One Ring was to destroy it, Erestor was not a fan of the idea. He called the way to Mount Doom “the path of despair,” and considered the quest a “folly.”



Every Lord of the Rings fan knows that Gimli the Dwarf attended the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, and how he offered his services to Frodo to become a valuable member of the Fellowship. What some people might not know is that he didn’t come alone. Gimli was joined by his father, Glóin, who once had an epic adventure of his own.

Glóin was one of 11 Dwarves to join Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf on their quest to the Lonely Mountain in The Hobbit. He and his older brother, Óin, along with their cousins Dwalin and Balin, were part of Thorin Oakenshield’s company. In The Hobbit film trilogy, there is a scene in which Legolas looks at a picture of Glóin’s young son, Gimli, in a moment of foreshadowing.

Glóin was sent to Rivendell by Dáin II Ironfoot, the King under the Mountain. Dáin had been approached by Sauron’s messengers to relay any news of the One Ring or Frodo, or else face dire consequences. In response, Dáin sent Glóin to Rivendell while he stayed in the Lonely Mountain to prepare his defenses. In The Fellowship of the Ring movie, Glóin can be briefly seen sitting next to Gimli as an older Dwarf with white hair and a beard.

Glorfindel Of Rivendell


Another attendee of the Council of Elrond was the elf Glorfindel. A hero from the ancient city of Gondolin during the First Age, Glorfindel played a large role in Middle-earth’s history long before he came to stay in Rivendell. In the movies, Glorfindel is a background character in The Return of the King, and he looks like a young elf with long blond hair.

Although he did not have a significant part in the Lord of the Rings films, his role was much bigger in the books. In The Fellowship of the Ring, Glorfindel was sent by Elrond to search for Frodo and Aragorn. He came across the Nazgûl and fought them off before meeting up with the hobbits. This was just after Weathertop, where Frodo had been injured by a Morgul blade. Glorfindel then escorted the troupe toward Rivendell for a number of days before the Black Riders caught up with them, and he placed Frodo on his horse, Asfaloth, who carried Frodo to the Ford of Bruinen. In the movie, Arwen was the one who came to their rescue.

During the Council of Elrond in the book The Fellowship of the Ring, Glorfindel agreed with Erestor’s idea that the One Ring should be given to Tom Bombadil. When this idea was nixed, he suggested throwing it into the sea, but it was deemed to be too dangerous, and not a final solution.

Galdor of the Havens


The Elves of Rivendell and of Lothlórien were not the only ones to attend the Council of Elrond. There was also Galdor, an elf from the Grey Havens, who was sent to Rivendell by the Master of the Grey Havens and notable shipwright, Círdan. In the film version, Galdor appears as an elf with long blond hair who sits next to Gandalf.

When the One Ring was presented before the council, Galdor demanded that they be shown proof this was indeed the weapon of the enemy. Gandalf answered with basic math – the Nazgul had the nine rings of Men, the seven Dwarf rings were lost or destroyed, and the other three belonged to the Elves. That left the One Ring remaining – plus, it made the most sense as to why Sauron was looking for it so desperately.

Galdor also questioned why Saruman was not present at the council, and wondered if they should be seeking his advice. It was at this point in the book that Saruman’s treachery was first revealed, as Gandalf told the story of his captivity and escape from Orthanc.

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