Demon Slayer has shot to popularity and gained interest all around the globe since its anime adaptation began in 2019. However, there is a prevalent opinion that the series has only become so well-liked because of Studio Ufotable’s high-quality and detailed animation. While the show has indeed been animated beautifully, bringing the exciting and action-packed world of Demon Slayer to life, the anime’s storyline is one to rival other popular shonen series.

The story follows siblings Nezuko and Tanjiro Kamado as they become demon slayers and fight alongside friends to bring an end to the evil reign of demons. Their main target is the Demon King Muzan Kibutsuji — the first of his kind and propagator of all other demons. On their journey, the siblings make lifelong friendships with the boar-headed Inosuke and apprehensive Zenitsu and learn life lessons from the nine Hashira, but the generic shonen storyline still brings fresh takes to the genre.

Demon Slayer Focuses on Family and Sibling Bonds

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Most shonen anime feature a main character who has lost their family and instead achieves their goals with the help of friendship and found family. In Hunter x Hunter, for example, Gon Freecss joins the Hunter Association to follow in his father’s footsteps — even though Ging Freecss abandoned him as a child. Instead of finding support in his family, Gon resonates with the friends he makes along the way, finding inspiration in Killua, Kurapika and Leorio. Similarly, Jujutsu Kaisen protagonist Itadori Yuji has no living family, but after joining Jujutsu High finds support from his fellow students. His bonds with Nobara and Fushiguro, as well as his other peers, push him to become a better Jujutsu sorcerer.

Demon Slayer instead shines a light on the bonds between family, specifically siblings. This brings an extremely rare take to the shonen genre and undoubtedly plays a role in the series’ popularity. The main storyline focuses on the Kamado siblings, with the pair fighting for and alongside each other, but other families also get their time in the limelight.

Gyutaro and Daki showed the audience what Tanjiro and Nezuko could have become, with the siblings’ love transcending their demon personalities. Butterfly Mansion siblings Kanae, Shinobu and Kanao have saved one another many times, both physically and mentally, while being each other’s inspirations. Finally, the Spider Family, crafted by Lower Moon Rui, showed how even as demons people crave familial bonds, and how they are important to an individual’s well-being. Demon Slayer’s focus being on family and siblings instead of friendship brings a new, heartwarming take to shonen stories.

Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zentisu Are Equals

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Another detail Demon Slayer tackles with expertise is making its main trio equal. Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu all steal the spotlight in their own ways, with each being developed evenly. Their bond and teamwork outshines most other shonen trios, and no toxic relationships are ever smoothed over. To an extent, the connection between the three young demon slayers feels very brotherly, with each being unafraid to express their emotions and open up to the others.

The equal standing between characters makes it easier to root for the heroes’ victory, making the audience more emotionally invested in the characters and their push to improve. By making sure characters outside the protagonist develop at an equal rate, no one is left behind; each of the budding slayers has an equal shot at winning or losing. None are perceived as being weaker than the other due to each character having their own unique strengths and approach.

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Since the manga’s first release in 2016, Demon Slayer has sold over 150 million copies. In just a few years, the series has become one of the newest bestselling manga and has even earned a spot in the 10 bestselling manga of all time. The 23rd and final volume of Demon Slayer sold a record-breaking 5.17 million copies between 2020 and 2021, outselling other popular shonen series such as Jujutsu Kaisen and even One Piece.

All of these achievements were made without the anime adaptation, proving that even still panels can draw in an audience. Ufotable’s animation is stunning and brings the story to life perfectly, but all the credit for the series’ success can’t be whittled down to just the animation.

Demon Slayer’s simplicity is not a vice, but its charm. It appeals to a wider audience while portraying a story that subverts typical attributes of the genre to create a unique tale based on the importance of family, rather than friendship. Demon Slayer is not popular because of the animation — instead, the animation is very much what the story is worthy of and deserves.