Anime villains are typically more powerful than their heroic counterparts. Whether simply born stronger or having obtained their might through wrongdoing, many are designed as the final opponents heroes must overcome before the completion of any given series.

A handful of antagonists prove so powerful that there isn’t a realistic way of defeating them. From moving beyond mortal perception to destroying entire planets, they are seldom restrained by concerns of being “overpowered.” At the height of a true villain’s glory, the only way to realistically defeat them is through contrivance and, in many instances, plot armor.

10 Meruem (Hunter X Hunter)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_0

Meruem was the most powerful character in Hunter X Hunter. Fast enough to move beyond even Netero’s perception and capable of killing dozens of people with a single stroke, few could resist the King Of Ants.

While Meruem’s toolkit lacked diversity or any special maneuvers, his raw physicality and speed were more than enough to take down the Hunter Association. In the end, the only thing capable of defeating Meruem was the toxic aftermath of a nuclear bomb. The explosion itself did not actually take his life.

9 DIO (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_1

Despite being killed in act 3 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, no subsequent villains have managed to become more powerful than DIO. His ability to stop time for five seconds or more allowed him to safely kill virtually any opponent regardless of their Stand. Jotaro only survived because Star Platinum happened to be an ersatz version of the World.

Additionally, DIO’s physical attributes were phenomenal. He could survive decapitation, reattach severed limbs, shoot lasers from his eyes, and even hurl large vehicles as if they were nothing. As a result, he has the striking power necessary to make his time stopping capacity worthwhile.

8 Eren Yeager (Attack On Titan)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_2

Upon obtaining the ultimate power in Attack On Titan, Eren became virtually unbeatable. With an entire legion of wall titans under his command, he massacred almost the entire planet only to be narrowly foiled by his own allies.

Given Eren’s control over the Founding Titan, he could have stripped his friends of their powers but did not want to deny them their freedom. Not only was Eren the tallest titan of the entire series, his ability to summon dead shifters from the past made him an inexhaustable opponent.

7 The Demon King (Seven Deadly Sins)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_3

Ancient and monstrous, Seven Deadly Sins’ Demon King had the power to fight the heroes simultaneously through a proxy vessel. This illustrated how unspeakably powerful he was given the advancements they made throughout the series.

The Demon King’s greatest attribute was his seemingly limitless affinity for magic. Whether cursing Meliodas and Elizabeth, bestowing unique perks to the Ten Commandments, or even absorbing the land of Britannia itself to use as a vessel, there was seemingly no limit to what the Demon King could do up until the point of his defeat.

6 Kaido (One Piece)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_4

One Piece’s Kaido had many intimidatingly accurate monikers, such as “King Of The Beasts” and “Strongest Living Creature.” The most durable character of the entire series, his enormous body could only be challenged through advanced armament Haki or an absurd amount of physical force.

Kaido’s offensive capacities are equally devastating. His dragon form was capable of obliterating large mountainsides in a single attack, and he levitated the entire island of Onigashima when attempting to plant it on the Flower Capital. It took Luffy several tries and numerous comrades to actually defeat him.

5 Aizen (Bleach)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_5

When Bleach’s Aizen absorbed the Hogyoku, virtually nothing could stop him. He was already a man so powerful that his spiritual pressure alone killed ordinary people. The trinket boosted his capacities further and visibly transformed his body.

In addition to outstanding intellect, Aizen’s Zanpakuto was extremely powerful.

Those who did not touch his sword were vulnerable to its hypnotic effects, and he could influence even the most seasoned targets. It took Ichigo converting all of his spiritual energy into raw force to finally bring Aizen down. In his end, his only weakness was surprisingly physical attacks.

4 Madara Uchiha (Naruto)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_6

While Naruto’s Madara may not have been especially powerful in life, death refined him into the perfect shinobi. He benefited from numerous enhancements to make him unstoppable, such as the rinnegan, Hashirama’s chakra, and the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki transformation.

In his ultimate state, Madara proved so powerful that he was completely immune to ninjutsu and genjutsu. While taijutsu had the capacity to harm him, not even Might Guy’s Eight Gates could keep the villain down for long. His truth seeking orbs were an offensive weapon difficult to avoid and effective against the living and undead alike.

3 The Evangelist (Fire Force)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_7

The Evangelist was a mysterious, god-like figure in Fire Force. Commanding her White-Clad minions from beyond perceivable reality, she had few weaknesses or even opportunities to be attacked. While seldom appearing in the series, the Evangelist’s power is completely unrivaled.

With the Pillars in her possession, she sundered the entire planet and nearly even destroyed it. Her efforts resulted in widespread global upheaval, with the surviving nations quarreling among each other before eventually settling down. In the end, the Evangelist’s immense sheer force overshadows almost any other anime villain.

2 Satan (Devilman Crybaby)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_8

Devilman Crybaby’s Satan was both one of the most powerful and successful villains to ever live. His army of demons ravaged the Earth, slaughtering its defenders at a steep and gory price. Satan’s battle with Akira illustrated how deadly he actually was. Their collision was so violently destructive that it shattered the planet and left it as a broken husk.

Further, Satan murdered Akira by ripping him in half, demonstrating how not even plot armor was sufficient to stop his brutal rampage. Undefeated until the end, Satan only succumbed to his own regret.

1 Jiren (Dragon Ball Z)

10 Strongest Anime Villains, Ranked_9

Jiren was an unstoppably powerful rival in Dragon Ball Z. Capable of blocking Goku’s enhanced barrage of punches with only a single finger, he illustrated how far above he was the heroes’ other opponents including those that could destroy entire planets.

Jiren was also one of the few characters who could move faster than Goku was able to perceive him, which illustrated how he balanced strength with speed. Even characters like Frieza are afraid of fighting him for what gruesome reputation he has formed over time and through the merits of his duels.

NEXT: 10 Anime Villains Who Hate Being Evil