- The Targaryen family was almost wiped out before Game Of Thrones, with the last surviving members being found outside Westeros at the start of the series.
- Maester Aemon of the Night’s Watch was a Targaryen living in Westeros, who chose service over the throne, dying at age 102.
- Daenerys Targaryen fell victim to Targaryen madness, leading to her demise at the hands of Jon Snow, the last living Targaryen.
Unlike most families, which were wiped out or suffered heavy losses throughout the events of Game Of Thrones, the Targaryen family was almost wiped out before the events of the show. They ruled in Westeros for many generations before Robert Baratheon led a rebellion and seized the throne with help from other notable figures such as Eddard Stark.
The result of this is that what are thought to be the last two Targaryen family members are found outside of Westeros at the beginning of the series, children of the Mad King. However, various other members of the family would appear at times, showing that the family was not quite as near extinction as once thought.
6 Master Aemon
Died Of Old Age

- Died Journeying To Oldtown In Season 5, Episode 7: “The Gift”
- Appeared In 11 Episodes
- Played By Peter Vaughn
Though it is easily forgotten, there was a Targaryen still living in Westeros during the time that Game of Thrones began. Maester Aemon of the Night’s Watch, though he had renounced all title and name, was actually the uncle of the Mad King. After deigning not to take the throne for himself since it would break his vows as a Maester, he went to live out his days with the Night’s Watch.
What’s more, Aemon lived a much longer life than the members of his family who attempted to fight for the throne, which said something about the lust for power that many suffered from in the show. Aemon died at the age of 102 after a life of service, having given wise advice to Jon Snow, the man he didn’t know was his great-great-great nephew, though the Targaryen family tree has always been complicated.
5 Aerys II Targaryen
A Mad King Who Was Killed By His Own Guard

- Killed By Jaime Lannister During Robert’s Rebellion. Seen In Season 6, Episode 6: “Blood Of My Blood”
- Appeared In 1 Episode
- Played By David Rintoul
The Mad King, as he was known, was cursed with the same Targaryen madness that had led Westeros to stagnation under the rule of that family for many generations. However, he was destined to be the last Targaryen King there, as Robert Baratheon thought his betrothed, Lyanna Stark, had been kidnapped by Rhaegar, the son of Aerys, and started a rebellion against Targaryen rule as a result.
Though he didn’t appear much in the series, Aerys was often talked about using the “Mad King” moniker as the people who had thrown off his rule fought against each other. Aerys II was killed by Jaime Lannister, a member of his own Kingsguard, due to his preparing to destroy King’s Landing with wildfire. Jaime wanted to save the lives of his family and also the people of King’s Landing by stopping the Mad King.
4 Rhaegar Targaryen
A Golden Prince Who Fell In Battle

- Killed By Robert Baratheon During Robert’s Rebellion
- Appeared In 1 Episode
- Played By Wilf Scolding
The Golden Prince of Dragonstone was heir to the Iron Throne prior to the events of Game of Thrones. He put up with his father, the Mad King because he knew that his hand, Tywin Lannister, was so effective at handling his madness. However, after secretly annulling his marriage to Elia Martell and marrying Lyanna Stark, war broke out, and Rhaegar returned nobly to lead his father’s armies.
The strength that Robert’s Rebellion gained was too much, however, and in the climactic Battle of the Trident, it was Robert himself who slew Rhaegar by caving his breastplate in with his Warhammer. This event made it easy for Robert to clear his way to seizing the throne and taking power from the Targaryen family once and for all.
3 Viserys Targaryen
Dies Due To His Hubris

- Killed By Khal Drogo With Molten Gold In Season 1, Episode 6: “A Golden Crown”
- Appeared In 6 Episodes
- Played By Harry Lloyd
There were only two known Targaryen family members left after the rebellion led to Elia Martell and her children being killed by Gregor Clegane. The Mad King’s other children were smuggled off Dragonstone before Stannis Baratheon and his fleet arrived to take them by force. Viserys and Daenerys were then forced to spend years in exile, while Viserys attempted to gather an army that could help him take back the Iron Throne.
Unfortunately, Viserys was a terrible person and leader. He made a lot of mistakes, like his namesake. Eventually, he made a deal with the unpredictable Dothraki, giving them his sister in marriage in return for them giving him an army to retake Westeros. His anger and resentment towards them grew since they honored Daenerys and gave him no respect or army, eventually leading to him falling in the eyes of his sister and then in the eyes of the Dothraki when he continually disrespected them and their culture. Khal Drogo put an end to the man known as “the beggar king” before he could do any worse damage.
2 Daenerys Targaryen
Fell To The Targaryen Madness

- Killed By Jon Snow In Season 8, Episode 6: “The Iron Throne”
- Appeared In 62 Episodes
- Played By Emilia Clarke
The other child of the Mad King survived a lot longer. Daenerys’ mother died in childbirth, and she was moved around throughout her childhood around the Free Cities, eventually being sold by her brother to Khal Drogo. From the moment he died, she continued to gain power, acquiring her dragons as she lost her husband and then gaining the Unsullied and freeing Slaver’s Bay.
However, when Daenerys came to Westeros, the Targaryen Madness seemed to follow her. Despite helping rid the world of the long night, she couldn’t restrain her worst tendencies when she went to King’s Landing, and she made it apparent that she couldn’t be trusted to lead the kingdom. She slowly turned everyone against her, leading to Jon Snow killing her to stop her reign.
1 Jon Snow
Lived On But Killed The Targaryen Name

- Survived & Returned As Lord Commander
- Appeared In 62 Episodes
- Played By Kit Harrington
Despite never taking on the name or choosing to be a part of the family, Jon Snow was a Targaryen. Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark had a child, which Eddard Stark took and swore he’d raise as his own. Jon was sent to the wall to join the Night’s Watch by the Stark family, and even in that desolate place, he managed to remain a good man and rise to the role of Lord Commander, gaining the respect of his friends as he rose.
Bringing the Wildlings together with the Night’s Watch wasn’t easy. Jon even lost his love and then his own life, but he returned and managed to gather enough forces to defeat the Night King, ending the Long Night. Jon continued to shape events in Westeros until the end of the show, convinced by Tyrion Lannister to kill another love of his, murdering Daenerys to stop her from enacting a new reign of terror. Jon survived this climactic event but was sent back to the Night’s Watch, where he was accepted once more as Lord Commander. The last Targaryen alive, it remains to be seen whether the line will die with him.
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