- War Games mode in Homeworld 3 introduces new fleet scenarios, offering different strengths and challenges for players to navigate.
- Fleet choices range from beginner-friendly Strikecraft to advanced Experimental Weapons, each with unique compositions and strategies.
- The Incarnate Fleet stands out as a strong all-rounder, perfect for players looking for a solid choice for every mission in the game.
Homeworld 3 is a modern take on the classic Homeworld real-time strategy gameplay. Coming over two decades after the release of the last game in the franchise, this title is a veritable tour de force of solid RTS gaming. With a compelling and engaging campaign, and challenging mission scenarios, this is a title that all RTS fans can enjoy.
War Games is a new strategy gameplay scenario in Homeworld 3. This is a rouge-like series of interlinked missions that can be played solo, or with friends. The player unlocks various fleets they can use as they level up. Some of these fleets are very strong, others not so much.
6 Strikecraft Fleet
New Player Fleet

- Carrier: 1
- Recon: 5
- Interceptor: 5
- Resource Controller: 1
The Strikecraft Fleet is the first and only fleet a new player to the War Games mode has access to. This fleet will see them through the first couple of levels, but becomes pretty useless after this. The fact that this fleet has very limited access to frigates makes it less effective as the game gets harder.
This fleet starts a War Games run with just 3,000 resources. On the plus side, Strikecraft Fleet starts with an artifact bonus for all Strikecraft, making them more effective. It is a shame this fleet isn’t just a little stronger, making it usable for some of the harder scenarios.
5 Platform Fleet
Defensive Fleet

- 1 Carrier
- 4 Dominance Fighters
- 2 Resource Controllers
The Platform Fleet in War Games for Homeworld 3 is not the simplest fleet to use properly. It depends on implacable turrets to build defenses. As most War Games scenarios require rapid movement to control certain points on the map, this is hard to do with moveable turrets.
With just 3,000 resources available and only 4 Dominance Fighters at the start, this is also a tough fleet for achieving battlefield dominance from the outset. Overall, this fleet is something only advanced players will want to try. That being said, in the right hands, this fleet can absolutely dominate certain War Games scenarios in co-op mode when another team member takes a more mobile fleet choice.
4 Bomber Fleet
Glass Cannon Fleet

- Carrier: 1
- Torpedo Frigates: 2
- Resource Controller: 1
Using the Bomber Fleet in WarGames in Homeworld 3 is a challenge in the more difficult tactical scenarios. That being said, it isn’t terrible if the player knows how to use bombers. These are not the kinds of ships to send into a brawl, they fit surgical strikes and hit-and-run tactics. The fact the fleet includes two torpedo frigates will make it difficult for a player to clear the first resource spawn to get their resource controllers collecting straight away.
This fleet starts with one artifact for fleet bombers and torpedo frigates and has a starting resource pool of 3,000. However, taking this fleet into battle will stop the player producing corvettes. In co-mode, this fleet can be a good choice for one player on the team, as they can use cloaked bombers to take out strategic targets whilst other players proceed to capture the required points on the map.
3 Reconnaissance Fleet
Top General Purpose Fleet

- Carrier: 1
- Interceptor: 6
- Resource Controller: 1
The Reconnaissance Fleet is the second fleet that players will unlock in War Games when playing Homeworld 3. However, despite being a fairly low-level fleet, it is a very good all-rounder. The 6 interceptors are enough to clear out the closest resource point to get harvesting right away.
The fleet starts with a whopping 6,000 resource pool, but does remove access to Bomber strikecraft, which is really no great loss in War Games. At the start of the War Games run the player will have two unlocked artifacts to use. For co-op gameplay, this fleet gives a full range of options for fleet specialization, driven by which artifacts they are given.
2 Experimental Weapons Fleet
Strong Interdiction Fleet

- Carrier: 1
- Beam Fighter: 8
- Resource Controller: 1
The Experimental Weapons Fleet is a strong contender for the top spot on this list. Starting with 8 Beam Fighters puts the player in a very strong position initially, whilst they clear out resource points to keep their resource collectors safe.
The fleet only starts with 3,000 resources. But it does start with an unlocked artifact for a Dominance Fighter bonus. This is the last fleet that the player will unlock as they level up in War Games, and could have taken the top spot on this list, although the Incarnate Fleet offers a little more utility.
1 Incarnate Fleet
Solid Choice For Every Mission

- Carrier: 1
- Dominance Fighters: 5
- Assault Corvettes: 3
- Resource Controller: 1
The Incarnate Fleet is very strong for all War Games scenarios in Homeworld 3. It has enough starting ships to clear out two separate resource points, which means that the player can simply fire off their resource gatherers and mostly forget about them for the rest of the scenario, as they should be safe.
With a 6,000 resource starting bonus, the fleet can be expanded very rapidly. The player will have two unlocked artifacts to use at the start of the War Games run. In co-op games, this fleet can take the role of protecting other player’s assets.
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