Game of Thrones has become one of the entertainment industry’s most popular and notorious shows, becoming a zeitgeist like no other. With the release of its prequel show, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones continues its dominance in pop culture, with the HBO franchise becoming an international phenomenon.
In Game of Thrones, there are a multitude of characters that make their mark on the show, with many being classed as high-level fighters in Westeros. Despite this, several fighters in the show succeed through their unique methods when it comes to combat, leading to them being regarded as creative fighters.
12 The Hound
Giant Warrior That Uses Raw Strength And Quick Thinking As His Secret Weapon

- Debut: Winter Is Coming, Season 1, Episode 1
In Game of Thrones, one of its most popular characters is Sandor Clegane, otherwise known as The Hound. As the brother of The Mountain, The Hound was blessed with a big build, allowing him to overpower foes with his sheer power.
Despite being an accomplished swordsman, The Hound always makes sure to use whatever is at his disposal in order to be victorious in battle. In his travels with Arya Stark and the Brotherhood Without Banners, The Hounds displays his raw strength to defeat foes even when seemingly disadvantaged.
11 Jaime Lannister
Legendary Swordsman That Fights Dirty After Losing His Hand

- Debut: Winter Is Coming, Season 1, Episode 1
In Game of Thrones, one of the most polarizing characters in the show and George R. R. Martin’s books is Jaime Lannister, the famed king killer. Regarded as a legendary swordsman, Jaime’s status as one of the strongest fighters gets lost as Jaime loses his hand when defending Brienne of Tarth from their capturers.
With the help of Bronn and his gold prosthetic hand, Jaime learns to fight dirty, with the heir to the Lannister house having to be creative in combat to survive. On many occasions, Jaime narrowly escapes death by using unconventional fighting methods, with Jaime using his new style during battles with Daenerys Targaryen’s forces and the sand snakes.
10 Nymeria Sand
Smart Fighter That Uses A Whip In Combat

- Debut: Sons of the Harpy, Season 5, Episode 4
As one of Oberyn Martell’s many illegitimate children, Nymeria Sand stands out through her use of a whip in combat and her more analysis-based fighting strategy. Nymeria often fights in coordination with her sisters Obara and Tyene Sand, with the three being a formidable group, which Jaime and Bronn find out when arriving in Dorne.
Nymeria’s primary weapon of choice is a whip, with Nymeria showing excellent mastery of the tool. When Euron Greyjoy and his crew invade Yara and Theon’s fleet, Nymeria causes Euron several problems when facing off, with the whip being an unusual weapon to face in a one-on-one duel.
9 Khal Drogo
Feared Dothraki Warrior That Relied On Athleticism As His Secret Weapon

- Debut: Winter Is Coming, Season 1, Episode 1
Played by Jason Momoa, Khal Drogo is a frightening and feared warrior who leads the Dothraki, with his army conquering much of Essos. Accompanied by Daenerys, many, including King Robert Baratheon, feared the power of Drogo, with the ruler of the Dothraki aiming to conquer even Westeros.
When it comes to combat, Drogo relies on his outlandish strength and athleticism to fight in ways considered risky. Drogo uses his freak athleticism when his right-hand man, Mago, challenges him to a duel, with Drogo opting to rely on his natural skill in hand-to-hand combat rather than use a blade. In a battle that seemed to be against the odds, Drogo’s speed and incredible confidence led to the dismantling of Mago, with his innovative fighting style prevailing.
8 Beric Dondarrion
Flaming Swordsman Who Uses The Lord Of Light To Resurrect Himself

- Debut: A Golden Crown, Season 1, Episode 6
As part of the Brotherhood Without Banners, Beric Dondarrion is known across Westeros, with the fighter being a keen follower of the Lord Of Light. Accompanied by Thoros of Myr, Beric uses the Lord Of Light to give him the power to ignite his sword, becoming a flaming swordsman in the process. In his trial by combat against The Hound, Beric’s use of a flaming sword spooks The Hound, with the character being afraid of fire from his past.
Despite losing, Beric’s use of fire intimidated his opponent even before combat began, showing the character has many cards up his sleeve. After being defeated by The Hound, Beric is brought back to life by Thoros, with the character’s resurrection being a top trump card to use in battle.
7 Syrio Forel
Experienced Swordsman Who Has Mastered The Water Dance Technique

- Debut: Lord Snow, Season 1, Episode 3
In Season 1 of Game of Thrones, one character who made a significant impact in only a short amount of screen time was Syrio Forel, Arya’s sword-training teacher. Despite only appearing in a couple of episodes, Syrio’s fun and charismatic lessons were captivating, with Arya using many of Syrio’s techniques throughout the rest of the show.
Syrio’s water dance technique is an incredibly unique and elegant way of using a sword, with its origins coming from Braavos. Syrio’s teaching of the fluid way of sword fighting only benefitted Arya’s development, with the water dance technique being a creative way of fighting that saw Syrio as one of the masters of the practice.
6 Karl Tanner
Night’s Watch Hooligan That Uses Dual Blades As Weapon Of Choice

- Debut: Walk of Punishment, Season 3, Episode 3
Karl Tanner was one of the many villain figures in the Night’s Watch, with Jon Snow eventually becoming Karl’s enemy. When the Night’s Watch ventures beyond the wall under Lord Commander Jeor Mormont’s command, a section of the Night’s Watch revolts, resulting in the Lord Commander’s death. Under Karl’s leadership, the revolters take control of Craster’s Keep while they wait for the Night’s Watch to retaliate.
Karl was a known thief and fighter from King’s Landing who used dual blades when in combat, with his weapons of choice giving him speed and fluidity in battle. In his fight with Jon, Karl gets the initial upper hand, with Jon being caught off guard by Karl’s creative fighting style due to fighting in an enclosed space. Snow eventually defeats Karl, only through the intervention of one of Craster’s daughters, with Karl proving to be a challenging enemy for a skilled fighter like Snow.
5 Oberyn Martell
Spear Wielding Fighter That Uses Speed And Flair Over Raw Strength

- Debut: Two Swords, Season 4, Episode 1
Despite only appearing in season 4, Pedro Pascal’s portrayal of Oberyn made the character a fan favorite due to his infectious charisma and creative fighting style. Upon arriving in King’s Landing, Oberyn has his sights set on revenge, with the character keen on enacting it on The Mountain and Tywin Lannister. As a result, Oberyn stands for Tyrion Lannister in a trial by combat when he is accused of killing the king, Joffrey Baratheon.
In the trial by combat, Oberyn faces off with The Mountain, with the character showing off his dynamic, fast, and fluid fighting style as he opts for a spear rather than a sword. Through his creative way of fighting, Oberyn is able to seemingly defeat The Mountain until his overconfidence leads to his demise, as The Mountain infamously crushed his head.
4 Daario Naharis
Sellsword Who Learned Various Fighting Styles In His Youth

- Debut: Second Sons, Season 3, Episode 8
On Daenerys’ travels through Essos, no character captures the queen’s heart more than Daario Naharis, a sellsword who joins the queen as an advisor. As a former slave, a young Daario was placed in the fighting pits, where he learned various combat styles from Westerosi knights and the Dothraki, with Daario adopting many of these styles in battle.
Daario showcases his creativity in battle when he stands as Daenerys’ champion when trying to gain entry into Meereen. As Daario’s opponent approaches, he takes out his horse with a blade, leading to a straightforward victory through Daario’s quick thinking.
3 Bronn
Up Jump Cutthroat Uses His Craftiness And Know How To Survive

- Debut: Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things, Season 1, Episode 4
Bronn’s trajectory through Game of Thrones has been one to marvel at, with the up-jump cutthroat climbing his way to Lord of Highgarden, all thanks to his endeavors with the Lannister brothers. Since Bronn was first introduced, he has opted to fight dirty and without pride, with many of his exploits leading to his social climbing in Westeros.
In Tyrion’s trial by combat at The Vale, Bronn defeats an honorable knight by utilizing his surroundings to his disposal. Bronn’s unusual way of fighting is taught to Jaime after he loses his hand, with Jaime adopting Bronn’s method despite his status as a legendary warrior. Bronn’s way of fighting may not be honorable, but there is no doubt he has thrived thanks to his creative fighting style.
2 Ser Arthur Dayne
Most Feared Knight In Westeros Who Often Used Two Swords At Once

- Debut: Oathbreaker, Season 6, Episode 3
Ser Arthur Dayne is a character from A Song of Ice and Fire that had been highly anticipated upon his entrance in season 6 of Game of Thrones, with his legend being widespread. Dayne was considered the greatest swordsman to have ever lived, with the knight being best friends with Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
In a flashback, Dayne is shown defending a tower holding a pregnant Lyanna Stark, with Ned Stark and his party trying to gain access. Dayne shows incredible skill and innovation, with the character wielding two swords at once in a one vs four situation that seemingly sees him emerge victorious. After cutting down men with ease and seemingly on the verge of killing Ned, Howland Reed stabs Dayne in the back, resulting in his death despite his masterful performance in battle.
1 Arya Stark
Assassin That Is A Master Of Close Range Combat
- Debut: Winter Is Coming, Season 1, Episode 1
Arya is one of Game of Thrones’ most popular and badass characters, with the once young and rebellious girl turning into a cold and callous killer seeking revenge on those who have harmed House Stark. From the variety of training from individuals such as Syrio and Jaqen H’ghar, Arya has blossomed into a fearsome fighter with many different styles to boot.
Over the years, Arya has mastered the water dance technique, which she uses to soundly defeat Brienne in combat through her fluid and precise movements. As a Faceless man, Arya is able to disguise herself, allowing for an element of surprise when it comes to assassinating her prey. Through Arya’s extensive training and experience, she has proven to be a highly creative fighter who is hard to stop, no matter the circumstances.
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