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Star Wars: 7 Most Incompetent Jedi


  • Incompetence within the Jedi Order has led to tragic and sometimes avoidable outcomes for many Force users in the
    Star Wars
  • Characters like Nahdar Vebb, Barriss Offee, and Pong Krell showcase flaws that ultimately bring them face-to-face with failure and darkness.
  • Even iconic figures like Grogu, Ben Solo, Coleman Trebor, and Yoda have struggled with their actions, decisions, and inability to prevent the downfall of the Jedi Order.

With thousands of members over the years, it’s no surprise that the Jedi Order has held some rather incompetent members within the Star Wars universe. The galaxy is vast, and training can be different for each Jedi, leading to some discourse surrounding the identities and actions of even the most important Jedi. These Star Wars characters have often exposed their flaws that prove their incompetence as Jedi, whether they are Padawans, Knights, or Masters.

As Yoda once said, “The greatest teacher, failure is.” That’s a sentiment that couldn’t be more true when it comes to these Jedi characters, but the unfortunate realization is that many of them have fallen past redemption, or have committed actions that have resulted in the deaths of others, or even themselves.

7 Nahdar Vebb

An Inexperienced Knight Who Grievous Killed


A former Padawan to Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb was on his way to become a Jedi Knight, until he crossed blades with General Grievous. Vebb had only just recently passed the Jedi Trials, and Vebb, along with his former master, Kit Fisto, traveled to Vassek 3 in search of Nute Gunray. Sadly, it was a trap, and Vebb was eventually added to Grievous’ impressive lightsaber collection.

Despite his teachings from Kit Fisto, Vebb was impatient and believed that here and now, they could capture Grievous and turn the tide of war. He was told not to underestimate Grievous, but even in a weakened state, Grievous was still able to best the new Jedi Knight. Overconfidence was his weakness, and his death was a tragedy that befell Kit Fisto and the Jedi.

6 Barriss Offee

A Jedi Knight Who Was Lured To The Dark Side


The Padawan to Luminara Unduli, Offee became good friends with Ahsoka Tano, but as the years of war raged on in the galaxy, her opinion on the Jedi soured, and her patience with their teachings, all but dwindled until all that was left was hate, showcasing her incompetence to see the Jedi and instead only the fears that they are warned against.

Barriss Offee saw that the Jedi were at fault for the war and that if they were to be villains, then she would gladly take that role as a Sith, falling to the Dark Side, as it was only a matter of time before the Sith won anyway. Barriss Offee has not been seen since Order 66, but perhaps her failure as a Jedi would prove her capabilities as a Sith.

5 Pong Krell

A Besalisk Who Desired Sith Power At The Cost Of The Clone Army


Pong Krell exists as one of the most hated Jedi of all time for his treatment of the Clone Army. Pong Krell was abusive, selfish, and entirely evil in his new perception of the galaxy. After seeing the Jedi lose the war, Pong Krell decided that the only way to survive was to become a ruler, a member of the Sith that wouldn’t be blinded by the allegiances of friends.

Pong Krell grew his incompetence by forsaking the Jedi Order for something darker, proving that he was not ready to learn. To make matters worse, he can only blame himself for his death, for his horrible behavior and dehumanization of the Galactic Republic’s Clone Army, which led to him facing off against the 501st.

4 Grogu

A Youngling Who Holds Too Much Attachment


Grogu is cause for much mystery in the galaxy far, far away. Not only is he another of Yoda’s kind, but it’s clear that he has a grand future awaiting him, due to the fact that he is still just a baby, despite being 50 years old. It’s clear that Grogu is not stupid, as he can understand people with an adorable sound to confirm such.

Yet, there’s no denying that Grogu is a tad incompetent, but that’s due to his age. Grogu has abandoned his Jedi training with Luke Skywalker because of his love for Din Djarin and his desire to be with him, whom he views as a father. Grogu is also seen using the Force for rather inappropriate activities, so hopefully, he grows into his powers and doesn’t become the next Anakin Skywalker.

3 Ben Solo

A Man Of Great Potential, Torn Between Light & Dark


Ben Solo was a promising pupil of Luke Skywalker until the Jedi Master had a bad dream and threatened to kill his nephew with his green blade. Ever since, Ben Solo would forsake the Jedi, and attempt to join the Sith, becoming a fanatic obsessed with the legacy of his grandfather, but not as the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, but as the feared Sith Lord, Darth Vader.

Ben Solo was constantly torn between Light and Dark, showing that he failed as a Jedi, and even failed as a Sith. He was never capable of fully becoming one or the other, and even when he sacrificed himself for Rey and became one with the Force, it felt like he could’ve been more as the Skywalker’s last living being.

2 Coleman Trebor

A Brave But Foolish Jedi Knight


Coleman Trebor might have been a Jedi Master, but it seems even masters can be foolish. Coleman Trebor was the first Jedi to die in the Battle of Geonosis, the precursor to the Clone Wars, and it’s his own fault. Instead of fighting with his fellow Jedi, Coleman Trebor made a brass decision that cost him his life, as he attempted to leap to Count Dooku and assassinate him, only for his action to be thwarted by the bounty hunter Jango Fett.

If Coleman had just listened to strategy and perhaps aided his Jedi instead of being a hero, then perhaps he would still be alive, and his incompetence would not have endangered others. Who knows what would have happened to the Jedi Order if this Jedi Master was still alive?

1 Yoda

His Complacency Within The Jedi Order Led To Its Extinction


Whilst a controversial choice, it cannot be denied that there is a level of incompetence and failure within Yoda. Yoda was the Grandmaster of the Jedi, and for hundreds of years, he has studied their teachings and taught them to the best of his abilities. Yet, centuries of peace have made Yoda somewhat weaker in the Force, and his failure to detect a Sith presence led to the fall of the Jedi Order.

Yoda knew he was somewhat at fault, hence his self-imposed exile. Yoda failed to help Anakin Skywalker, who came to him as a young man seeking guidance and was left with only more bitterness for the Jedi. Yoda encapsulated everything wrong with the Jedi Order, and his inaction caused him to play an active part in Order 66.