• Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1
    B. Earl, Taboo

    Juan Ferreyra

    VC’s Travis Lanham

    Cover Artist:



    Release Date:

    Juan Ferreyra

Another Spider-Man book has been added to Marvel’s roster. As one of the publisher’s most popular characters, it’s unsurprising to see so many titles about Peter Parker and co. coming out. The webhead’s prevalence speaks to the character’s versatile nature. Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man delivers a different take on his usual friendly neighborhood web-slinging. Just in time for Halloween, the first issue — written by B. Earl and Taboo, with art by Juan Ferreyra and letters by VC’s Travis Lanham — is a haunting tale.

Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 is a dark story about the lovable hero. Peter Parker moves to Los Angeles for work, but his perception of reality blurs as he investigates a mysterious object, leading to a twisted take on the City of Angels — one full of demonic entities and nightmares.

REVIEW: Marvel's Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 _0

This is not the first time Peter has dealt with the supernatural side of the Marvel Universe; however, it is not exactly in his wheelhouse either. It is fun and refreshing to see Spider-Man out of his element. It also promises high stakes and genuine conflict. By forcing Peter to work through this unknown reality, Earl and Taboo give him a chance to show off his intellect and ability to adapt to any situation. It also can lead to some clever solutions in the future.

Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 also shows Peter Parker in a new light. While he’s as friendly and heroic as ever, visually, he can be downright terrifying. His new design is captivating, with his fingers looking more like claws and the usual whites of his eyes glowing yellow and looking like flames. On top of that, the movement in the comic is dynamic. Ferreyra’s line work and colors create fluid and dreamlike movements, complementing the reality-bending nature of Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1. This also makes the more action-packed scenes feel fast, engaging, and impactful.

The colors add texture to Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1. Especially in the more surreal moments, this painterly style excels and merits comparisons to artists like Salvador Dalí and M.C. Escher. Ferreyra’s twisted landscapes are reminiscent of Tim Burton’s animated work and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Ferreyra’s art is truly the stand out of this first issue, and it will be thrilling to see him play more in this new world as the series continues.

REVIEW: Marvel's Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 _1

It does not take long to get into the mystery and terror of Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1. Peter’s internal monologue sells how confused he is, while his dialogue captures his classic quippy nature. Some jokes and quips lean too heavily into how Peter is not originally from California. Jokes about Californians are not new, and it would have been great to see different ways to roast Los Angeles without relying on jokes people have been telling for years. Earl and Taboo rely on Parker’s constant narration, but they really don’t need to, as the art often communicates the horrors of this reality on its own.

Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 is a great comic to get readers in the mood for Halloween. While it does not deliver a literal “deadly Spider-Man,” the reality created here is haunting fun to play with. The spirit of Spider-Man is still present despite this unlikely situation — a situation that is instantly high stakes and engaging. While there is a lot of narration, one is eager to see what else is in store for Peter and the demons haunting him.