Befitting a world where the protagonist wants to take on the title of “the Wizard King,” Black Clover revolves around magic. The members of royal society have the strongest powers, and people are discriminated against based on the amount of magic power they have. Commoners are looked down upon almost entirely because of their negligible magic powers.

The strength of a person is not only dependent on the amount of Magic Power they are born with but also the type of magic they possess. Some Magic Types may be highly effective towards others and vice versa.

Updated on May 15th by Sage Ashford: Black Clover is one of the most popular titles in anime. As fans continue to analyze the series’ unique power system, we’ve updated this list with more information on the strongest magic types in Black Clover.

15 Thread Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Thread Magic allows its user to create and manipulate threads at will. Vanessa Enotech of the Black Bulls possesses this magic type, and for a time was kept by the Queen of Witches specifically because of this ability. Her threads are often undetectable and can be used with great accuracy. Thread Magic can also be used to seal up wounds and support broken bones.

The most powerful spell of Thread Magic is the Red Thread Of Fate. For Vanessa, this spell is symbolized by a tiny red cat that protects the people Vanessa cares about. Causality itself bends around this thread, making it more difficult for them to be harmed.

14 Blood Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_1″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

The Queen of Witches is so far the only person capable of using the extremely dangerous Blood Magic. Blood Magic allows her to control anyone she previously used her magic on, making them her slave.

In her debut arc, the Queen used this power on Asta to take control of him and his access to Anti Magic, making her nearly unstoppable. Apart from this, there are other equally dangerous spells like Blood-Spattered Execution Ground, which traps everyone in an execution ground. The only thing that limits this is the full potential of Blood Magic hasn’t been seen, but even with what’s been shown it’s extremely powerful.

13 Sealing Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_2″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Sealing Magic is used by Secre Swallowtail, the assistant of the First Wizard King. The user of this magic can open and seal objects and other magics. Sealing Magic is a unique Magic Type that was able to amaze even the First Wizard King.

While Sealing Magic can seem underpowered at first, with enough skill and curiosity, it turned into one of the most versatile Magic Types in the world. Using this magic, Sacre was able to seal wounds and even the body of the original Wizard King, preventing him from dying for centuries.

12 Iron Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_3″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Though Iron Magic had been shown before, it wasn’t until Black Clover visited the Hino Country that fans were shown how powerful it could be. The strongest member of the Ryuzen Seven, Mushogatake Yosuga, relies on Iron Magic in combat.

While weaker users might make Iron Magic seem useless, Yosuga shows off its true strength.

He’s able to create iron or even transform his entire body into the substance to defeat his opponents. He’s used his incredible magic power along with his katana to cut through anything, while the Iron Magic makes him impervious to harm. This power makes him particularly effective as a bodyguard for the Shogun of the Hino Country.

11 Light Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_4″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

If nothing else, Light Magic is perhaps the fastest Magic Type in the world of Black Clover. Light Magic is used by the First Wizard King, Leader of Midnight Sun Patri and the King of the Clover Kingdom. Given how strong the magic type is, two of the three known users of Light Magic have four-leaf Grimoire.

Most often, people who rely on Light Magic use it to create physical weapons made up of light. Countering these weapons is possible, but only by some of the other most powerful magic users in the series.

10 Dream Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_5″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Dream Magic is used by Dorothy Unsworth, the Magic Knight Captain of Coral Peacock Squad. With this magic, Dorothy can create a mist-like substance, which when touched can transfer anyone to a dream world called the Glamor World. Inside the Glamor World, the user is like a God who can bring anything they imagine to life.

Using Dream Magic, the Elf possessing Dorothy was able to easily overpower some of the Black Bulls trapped inside. However, the real Dorothy’s interference freed the Black Bulls from the spell. Dorothy’s main limitation is that she spends most of her time sleeping, existing inside of her own dream world.

9 Gravity Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_6″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Gravity Magic was revealed much later in the series and came from the Spade Kingdom’s Dante Zoegratis. This magic type allows the user to manipulate the force of gravity with seemingly no limitation. Using this magic Dante was able to lift the whole Black Bulls base in the air easily, just as a flashy display of power.

Even more impressive though, Dante easily defeated the Black Bulls present at the scene. Gravity magic’s terrifying power is seen in spells like Presence Of Demon King, which creates immense gravitational pressure, rendering people in range immobile.

8 Dark Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_7″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Dark Magic is a unique Magic type used by the Black Bulls captain himself, Yami Sukehiro. Dark Magic is the polar opposite of Light Magic. Dark Magic allows its user to create and control darkness. As opposed to Light magic, Dark magic is very slow and requires a considerable amount of time to cast spells.

This weakness can be overcome by the skill and strength of its user. Yami uses this magic with his katana to overcome its limits. Dark Magic can absorb other types of magic and is one of only two known magic types to affect Demon Magic.

7 Kotodama Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_8″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Kotodama Magic, or Word Magic, is used by the main antagonist of the Elf Reincarnation Arc, Zagred. Impossible as it sounds, Zagred was able to create both physical and magic objects just by saying their names.

The limits of this power are unknown but using this magic, Zagred single-handedly overpowered not only the Elf Leader and the First Wizard King, but many other high-level Magic Knights as well. Only Dark Magic and Anti-Magic had any effect on Zagred during their battle. Due to this, Kotodama Magic is insanely powerful.

6 Soul Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_9″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Soul Magic is wielded by the head of the Zoegratis family, and can be used to manipulate anyone it touches. The power can completely change another person’s magic, life, and even their personality. Using this ability, Lucius was able to completely rewrite Sister Lily’s personality into someone who believed in his cause and was willing to cut down Asta to serve his purpose.

Worse, he was also able to grant her a massively boosted version of Spatial Magic, to make her nearly impossible to defeat by all but the strongest mages. The only real weakness to this kind of power is Anti Magic, which breaks down this spell and returns people to normal.

5 Union Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_10″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Union Magic’s strength lies in the fact that it can come from any two mages, of any power level. Throughout the history of Black Clover, mages have found ways to combine their strength to defeat enemies or accomplish goals that they couldn’t have otherwise.

Theoretically, there’s no limit to the number of mages that are capable of working together relying on Union Magic. The Magic Knight Captains once combined their powers to allow them to make it back to the Royal Capital in minutes instead of the hours it would have taken them if they had each worked alone.

4 Spatial Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_11″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Spatial Magic is often blown off because the primary user in the series is the cowardly Finral Roulacase, who doesn’t like using his magic for offensive purposes. However, as shown with Finral’s brother Langris, Spatial Magic has plenty of powerful offensive potential. It’s capable of redirecting spells, or even cutting through physical and magical energy with its power.

Most recently, Spatial Magic was used by Sister Lily, who was powered up by a member of the Zoegratis family. With their power, Lily was able to create cubes that could negate any mana trapped inside, neutralizing any enemy no matter how powerful.

3 Star Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_12″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

In addition to his ability to manipulate the wind, Yuno Grinberryall is the first person to possess the powerful Star Magic. It’s a specific kind of power that’s passed down through the royal family of the Spade Kingdom, and Yuno was able to achieve this power during his battle with the invaders who took over the Spade Kingdom in Yuno’s place.

With Star Magic, the user is able to create seemingly countless stars and control them however they want. Star Magic can be used defensively to transport the user or others, but it also has offensive capabilities. The user can rain down beams of energy from a multitude of stars, meaning anyone trying to avoid them would have to dodge dozens of beams at once.

2 Time Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_13″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

As seen in both the anime and manga, Time Magic is one of the most terrifying types of magic in existence. Thus far, it’s only been used by Julius Novachrono, and the person who was controlling him, Lucius Zoegratis. Time Magic lets the user steal and store time from other people, which can later be used as the user sees fit.

Using one of the inventions of Lumiere and Sacre, Julius was even able to store this time in a magic item which he later used to revive himself. Later still, Lucius proved that he was able to stop time entirely across massive zones of space, making it so that only people he wanted could move within them.

1 Anti Magic

10 Strongest <a href=Magic Types In Black Clover_14″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

It’s difficult to say any type of magic is more powerful than the Anti-Magic belonging to the number one blockhead in Black Clover, Asta. This power was given to him by the five-clover grimoire. Asta has wielded this power to stand against some of the most powerful mages within the Black Clover universe.

Anti-Magic is the magic of a devil possessing Asta’s five-leaf Grimoire. Combined with Sword Magic, Asta can neglect or reflect any form of magic thrown at him. Thanks to Asta’s training with his sword and mastery of the power of Anti-Magic, he’s able to cancel out spells that even the highest level mages wouldn’t stand a chance against.

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