Kimi ni Todoke is one of the best high school romance anime of all time, premiering in 2009 and becoming an instant hit with the fans of the genre. Even with the overwhelming saturation of the high school rom-com genre, Kimi ni Todoke has surprisingly withstood the test of time. It’s still worthy of a binge-watch and consistently shows up on recommendation lists. Unfortunately, fans were denied a second season despite the show being an undeniable success.

Now the classic series is finally being revived after more than a decade — this time as a live-action drama. Kimi ni Todoke is the latest anime title to join Netflix’s live-action adaptation streak and recently landed on the streaming platform under the title From Me to You. Naturally, fans can’t help but compare the anime to the Netflix series, but the burning question remains: does the new version successfully recreate the magic of the original?

From Me to You Is Satisfyingly Accurate

How Does Kimi ni Todoke's New Live-Action Adaptation on Netflix Compare to the Anime?_0

When it comes to live-action remakes of anime titles, audiences generally haven’t been impressed. Either the source material is completely ignored, or the show simply fails to recreate the anime’s magic. Even from the trailer, it’s obvious that accuracy isn’t going to be a problem for From Me to You. The Netflix series is almost a frame-by-frame copy of the anime, but this also means viewers can’t help but compare the two. For better or for worse, From Me to You stays true to the source material.

It’s unclear whether the only significant change was even a purposeful decision, or merely the result of a change in medium. Fans remember Kimi ni Todoke as a high school rom-com with a wholesome vibe. Though Sawako is ostracized because of her looks, it doesn’t come off as too dark or depressing. By contrast, thanks to its live-action format, the audience may feel that From Me to You is building up to say something about high school bullying — but then it doesn’t. The series pulls back from making a statement or providing a unique spin on the story, immediately diluting every tense scene with either something comedic or a sweet moment between Kazehaya and Sawako.

Is Netflix’s Live Action Better Than the Anime?

How Does Kimi ni Todoke's New Live-Action Adaptation on Netflix Compare to the Anime?_1

The common consensus among anime fans is that live-action adaptations are disappointing, as they consistently fail to live up to the charm of the anime. From Me to You is no exception. It’s a good watch, certainly cute and fun enough to not feel like a waste of time for casual fans, but it doesn’t capture the essence of the original. The performances tend to feel stiff and unbelievable, possibly because the show writers attempted to keep characterizations as close to the anime versions as possible. In doing so, dialogue often comes across as monotonous and unrealistic — despite a cast of talented young actors who are clearly capable of giving compelling performances when the script allows them breathing room.

Speaking of, the cast bears a striking visual resemblance to their counterparts from the anime. Unfortunately, while that’s impressive from an accuracy standpoint, it also dulls any distinction the live-action might have earned for itself. The characters could have been slightly tweaked to elevate and capitalize on the new format, but are instead relegated to boring facsimiles. The same can be said of the series’ direction, which clearly prioritizes accuracy over innovation. Some shots are direct copies of frames from the anime, which translates awkwardly to live action. Ultimately, this obsession with accuracy is to the show’s detriment. From Me to You feels like a bland rehashing of Kimi ni Todoke, and fans are better off rewatching the original.