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One Piece: 5 Strongest Characters Sanji Beat In The New World


  • Sanji, part of the Monster Trio, consistently takes on the strongest opponents and proves his power through victories.
  • Some of Sanji’s defeated enemies include Sheepshead, Wadatsumi, Page One, Yonji, and Queen, showcasing his strength and skill.
  • After awakening the powers of the Germa, Sanji easily defeats Queen and shows his limits have yet to be tested in this form.

The cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, Sanji is quite a powerful character and certainly one of the strongest members of the crew. Being a part of the Monster Trio, Sanji usually takes on the strongest opponents on the enemies’ side and this is a pattern that has been maintained by Ods since the beginning of the story.

Over the years, Sanji has fought some incredibly powerful enemies, and once the Straw Hat Pirates stepped foot into the New World, they faced even stronger foes. Sanji himself has been in multiple skirmishes in the New World and sometimes, these have resulted in large-scale battles, where he has proven himself to be the victor.

5 Sheepshead

Arc: Zou


Sheepshead was a Headliner of the Beast Pirates and certainly the weakest enemy that Sanji beat in the New World. Being a Headliner, he was among the Gifters of the Beast Pirates, just like the vast majority of them. Sheepshead was encountered by Sanji in Zou, after the Straw Hat Pirates split up.

It didn’t take Sanji too long to defeat him and just one Mutton Shot was enough to completely beat him down. Sheepshead never appeared in One Piece during Wano and his current status remains unknown.

4 Wadatsumi

Arc: Fishman Island


Wadatsumi was the enemy that Sanji faced in the Fishman Island Arc. Here, the Straw Hat Pirates got a chance to show what they were capable of after returning from the timeskip stronger than ever before.

Much like the other members of the crew, Sanji also got his fight against this giant Wuton. While Jinbe also played a part in the fight against him, it was Sanji who eventually took him down by using a powerful attack called Hell Memories. Wadatsumi, despite his giant size, stood absolutely no chance against him and was defeated with a single technique from the Straw Hat cook.

3 Page One

Arc: Wano Country


Page One was a member of the Tobiroppo of the Beast Pirates. This group was certainly the strongest in the pirate crew after the All Stars, who were directly under Kaido. The Tobiroppo themselves were quite powerful, and some of them held bounties over 500 million berries as well. Page One himself had a 200 million berry bounty and that was an understatement for the level of strength that he possessed.

With the power of the Ancient Spinosaurus Devil Fruit, Page One was quite resilient. Sanji fought Page One in the Flower Capital, and thanks to his Raid Suit, he was able to hide his identity. Sanji launched several powerful attacks on him. In fact, Sanji was sure that if the battle continued, he would level the entire city to the ground. In the end, Sanji easily defeated him with a kick from the sky and he was able to make quick work of him.

2 Yonji

Arc: Whole Cake Island


One of the members of the Germa 66 and a Prince of the Vinsmoke Family, Yonji is one of Sanji’s brothers and certainly a very powerful fighter. In terms of combat, Yonji is blessed with incredible power and he has the exoskeleton, along with other superhuman abilities that make him stronger than the vast majority of the people in the New World.

Sanji fought Yonji in the Whole Cake Island arc and while this fight was off-screened, the damage that Sanji dealt to him was apparent. In fact, Sanji was able to dent his face quite easily and that just goes to show the level of strength that Sanji has trained his legs to over the years. What’s more, Yonji himself is quite strong yet he was defeated by Sanji with minimal effort and that, once again, goes to show the level of strength that he operates at. Yonji needed a hydraulic press to fix himself after losing to Sanji.

1 Queen

Arc: Wano Country


By far, the strongest enemy that Sanji has defeated in the New World is none other than Queen the Plague. Queen is quite a powerful pirate with a bounty of 1.32 billion berries. He was one of Kaido’s All Stars, meaning that he was one of his three right-hand men. Queen was quite powerful and had the ability to transform into a giant Brachiosaurus at will. On top of that, he had many scientific enhancements and incredible Haki as well. To make things even more interesting, Queen was also a user of many deadly biological weapons.

Sanji ended up fighting Queen during the Raid on Onigashima and he fared quite well against him. Despite already being injured prior to the beginning of the fight, Sanji actually held his own quite easily. Once he awakened the latent powers of the Germa, Sanji hit incredible levels as a fighter. In fact, Queen stood absolutely no chance against him. Sanji was able to dismantle him with a few attacks after he awakened the power of Ifrit Jambe. So far, Sanji’s limits remain untested in this form as he defeated Queen with rather ease.

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