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One Piece: 5 Strongest Enemies Nami Beat In The New World


  • Nami’s weather science abilities and Zeus make her a formidable enemy in the New World.
  • Nami’s smartness and resourcefulness have helped her win battles against powerful enemies.
  • Nami played a crucial role in defeating Cracker by using her weather powers to soften his biscuits and save Luffy.

Nami is certainly one of the strongest pirates in the New World, even though she is among the weaker ones in the Straw Hat Pirates. Over the years, Nami has progressed by leaps and bounds and become extremely reliable as a pirate.

Her weather science, incorporated into her incredible climate baton, and the addition of Zeus make her a formidable enemy for anyone to take on. In the New World, Nami has fought several powerful enemies, and, more often than not, she has emerged victorious.

5 Nami (And The Crew) Vs. Giolla

Arc: Dressrosa


In the Dressrosa arc of One Piece, Nami did not get many fights this was largely down to the fact that she didn’t spend much time on this island at all. Under Sanji’s leadership, she, along with the other members of the crew, sailed for Zou. Despite that, Nami did get some action in this arc when she and the crew were up against Giolla.

Nami teamed up with Chopper and Brook in order to take her on in battle and, in the end, it was Brook who struck the killing blow. However, it was a collective effort and Nami deserves as much credit for it as anybody. While this isn’t a solo fight for her, it is still something that Nami took part in and won.

4 Nami Vs. Brulee

Arc: Whole Cake Island


One of the many fights that Nami fought in the New World came against Brulee of the Big Mom Pirates. This fight happened in the Seducing Woods, where Brulee was causing all sorts of trouble for the Straw Hat Pirates. She even successfully managed to trap Chopper and Carrot inside the Mirror World.

Nami, however, was smart enough to avoid being trapped and she made use of the vivre card that she had to use the homies to her advantage. Even King Baum ended up helping her greatly and, in the end, Nami successfully managed to defeat Brulee with a powerful Thunderbolt Tempo and completely knocked her out. This just goes to show Nami’s smartness and, at the same time, the high damage that she can do to her enemies if she is given even an inch in battle.

3 Nami And Luffy Vs General Cracker

Arc: Whole Cake Island


The fight against Cracker was largely fought by Luffy and every fan of the story knows that. However, Nami’s contribution to this fight often goes unnoticed. If it wasn’t for Nami, Luffy would never have defeated Cracker as he was. Luffy was not able to consume his biscuits as they were and he certainly did not have enough food to keep fighting.

Luffy would have lost this fight and while Nami did play a supporting role, she was just as important in defeating Cracker as Luffy. Nami saved Luffy in this fight on many occasions and used her weather power to soften his biscuits and cause them all sorts of problems. In the anime, Nami even blocked some powerful strikes from Cracker, which goes to show her incredible reflexes as a skilled pirate of the New World. In the end, of course, it was Luffy who dealt the final blow and defeated him for good.

2 Nami Vs. Orochi and Oniwabanshu

Arc: Wano Country


In the Wano arc, Nami had many fights to her name and one of them came against Orochi and the Oniwabanshu within Orochi Castle. In the Flower Capital, while the Straw Hat Pirates were on a very important mission, all sorts of drama happened and this required Nami to take things into her own hands and save everyone.

She did so using the power of Zeus and used a Zeus thunderbolt to strike everyone who was against her with a powerful lightning bolt. It is implied that Orochi, along with all the Oniwabanshu, were taken down with this powerful blow. It was significant enough for the Straw Pirates and the allies to successfully escape from the scene. Sadly, fans never got to see the proper aftermath of this fight. However, given that the crew was safe and unscratched, one can assume that Nami was the one who won this battle.

1 Nami Vs. Ulti

Arc: Wano Country


Of course, just like all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami had a major fight in the Wano arc as well, and in her case, this fight came against Ulti, one of the members of the Tobiroppo. While Nami failed to get through her defenses at first, once she received the power of Zeus, this became possible.

Nami was able to hit her with stronger lightning and efficient blows. Using the power of Zeus, Nami struck Ulti with such powerful lightning that she completely passed out. However, it must be kept in mind that Ulti was already weakened heavily by this point, thanks to Big Mom’s Meiser Canon. Regardless, Nami did more than well to take her down in combat.

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