An anime antagonist’s role is to oppose the hero in any given story. To this end, they are often deliberately written to be unlikable so that the audience will more decisively rally behind its main leads.
While some villains may be given sympathetic qualities, others are so openly treacherous that fans love to hate them. Whether taking joy in their evil or being needlessly annoying, such foes have become perfect heels even as opposed to their colleagues. They possess so many unlikable qualities that not even the most contrarian audiences resist the urge to scorn them.
10 Emperor Charles (Code Geass)

Emperor Charles was once the main antagonist of Code Geass and a man determined to preserve order. He wanted to use his power to create a perfect world where nothing had the opportunity to change.
While some might argue that Charles’ philosophy wasn’t completely barbaric, he was also violently racist. This was seen through the joy he took from Princess Euphemia’s wanton slaughter of innocent Japanese civilians. Worse yet, Charles abused his own children to such an extent it took Nunnally’s sight.
9 Neferpitou (Hunter X Hunter)

Hunter x Hunter’s Neferpitou was Meruem’s most well-known chimera ant. They exacerbated the worst qualities of their clan, taking great joy in massacring innocent people and toying with defeated opponents.
For example, Neferpitou dissected a captured hunter’s brain in order to better understand the secrets of Nen. Similarly, they transformed Kite’s body into a puppet for other ants to train and hone their abilities against. By the time Gon found his friend, he was already mutilated beyond recognition. Neferpitou’s relationship with Komugi may have made them somewhat sympathetic, but Gon’s vengeance proved a highlight of Hunter x Hunter.
8 Haumea (Fire Force)

Haumea was a veteran of the White-Clad and among Fire Force‘s most irredeemable villains. Just when it seemed as though Sho would leave the cult, she used her ability to force his compliance. Haumea also took great pleasure in inflicting suffering and especially relished the opponents incapable of fighting back.
Given that Arthur’s plasma sword countered Haumea’s abilities perfectly, it made their every confrontation extremely satisfying. When backed into a corner and unable to use her powers, Haumea illustrated how pathetic and cowardly she actually was. In the end, she didn’t deserve her position of prominence, even among the antagonists.
7 The Major (Hellsing)

The Major was Hellsing’s primary villain and the main antagonist of the Millennium Organization. Almost charismatic, he treated war like a performance and acted as its sole conductor.
Given the Major’s magnetic and memorable personality, he stood out from Millennium’s otherwise banal band of bruisers. However, considering that he was still a warmongering Nazi single-mindedly determined to extinguish all life, the Major was universally realized as a menace that needed to be defeated. His character had been specifically designed as objectively evil, which made fans unified in rooting for his downfall.
6 Akainu (One Piece)

Akainu is One Piece‘s most resilient villain and a man that embodies absolute “justice.” Considering how the seas are overwhelmed by pirates, one might reasonably understand where his prejudice toward them comes from.
However, Akainu’s anti-pirate sentiments thinly guise a blind desire to destroy others. For example, he murdered an innocent marine simply for attempting to escape the Whitebeard Pirates. Similarly, Akainu has shown keen interest in eradicating the Straw Hats despite the fact that Luffy’s crew saves innocent people and defeats evil enemies. Fans also love to hate Akainu, given how he killed Ace.
5 Danzo Shimura (Naruto)

Naruto‘s Danzo Shimura is often considered a controversial villain. Unlike most of the series’ antagonists, he isn’t presented as even remotely redeemable. This is in large part because he’s convinced his actions are for the Leaf’s benefit and that he’s too stubborn to listen to anyone else.
Danzo is also a massive hypocrite. While allegedly acting on Konoha’s behalf, he actively conspired with villains like Orochimaru and Kabuto. He also attempted to overthrow Hiruzen Sarutobi and contributed to Tsunade’s hospitalization when assassinating Mt. Myoboku’s messenger frog. Danzo didn’t even die with dignity since he attempted to flee from Sasuke.
4 Minister Honest (Akame Ga Kill!)

Minister Honest was the Emperor’s advisor and the technical main antagonist of Akame Ga Kill!. He indulged a cartoonish level of evil, from gleefully endorsing the abduction and torture of random civilians to partaking in cannibalism.
It’s also strongly suggested that Honest killed the royal family and would have even murdered the residing Emperor if not for his need to access a powerful Imperial Arms. Honest did not even care much for the death of his own son, which makes him on an entirely different level of evil than anyone else in Akame Ga Kill!.
3 Melascula (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Melascula was perhaps the most irredeemable character of The Seven Deadly Sins‘ Ten Commandments. Whether terrifying Escanor or forcing Diane against her own friends, substantial emotional distress was her weapon of choice.
This was particularly demonstrated during the fight against Ban, where Melascula hoped that resurrecting Elaine would disturb him. However, considering that Elaine later reclaimed her freedom and rejoined her beloved’s side, Melascula’s insidious gambit ultimately backfired. It’s fitting that her ultimate form was a snake, given her personality.
2 Naraku (Inuyasha)

Naraku was the main antagonist of Inuyasha and a villain with a deeply disturbed past. Cobbled from a single human and thousands of demons, he represented raw malice and was fueled by Kikyo’s rejection of him.
In addition to creating slaves bound to his will, Naraku was a cunning and charismatic manipulator who attempted to manipulate Sango against her group. This chicanery illustrated how force wasn’t his own option and made his acquisition of the Shikon Jewel less surprising. Nonetheless, Naraku does not aspire to be sympathetic, which makes it easier for fans to universally dislike him.
1 All For One (My Hero Academia)

As My Hero Academia‘s Symbol Of Evil, All For One embodies the worst aspects of society. While charming and able to understand others, he only does so to the extent he is capable of manipulating them. This was most recently seen through his conversation with Lady Nagant, who he honed as a weapon against hero society.
All For One may have taken Shigaraki as an apprentice, but he does not care for him in the same way All Might does with Deku. Despite raising Shigaraki since childhood, All For One’s sole objective is to claim his body for personal use.
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