Oshi no Ko Chapter 124, scheduled for release on Thursday, July 20 at 12 am JST, has experienced some leaks online. Fans have shared pages from the chapter on Twitter, confirming the long-standing rumors about Aqua and Ruby's relationship.
Oshi no Ko Chapter 125 will serve as the next amazing chapter for the fans. Now that Ichigo is back, Miyako doesn’t have to worry anymore. Miyako was under huge pressure regaring Ruby’s future. She doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to make a decision that might ruin Ruby’s future.
Oshi no Ko chapter 126 is set to be released on Thursday, August 10, at 12:00 am JST. Fans can read the manga on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app. Another option to read the manga would be by either purchasing it or getting hold of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine.
With the release of Oshi no Ko -interlude- chapter 3, fans saw a new backstory. It is not a story from before the characters first appeared in the series but after the 2.