As of My Hero Academia Chapter 384, "It's a Small World," Deku's final battle with Shigaraki is being thoroughly covered. Not only is the battle being streamed by Gentle, but two news reporters are going well out of their way to film the fight despite the danger. Now, a worldwide audience is seeing what's happening in Japan live.

This probably won't change anything in the five minutes Deku has to win, but that's what's important is how this will affect the story in the future. It should have a profound effect on the relationship between Heroes and the general public.


How Will Streaming the Final War Help the Heroes?

MHA: How Streaming the <a href=Final Battle Will Influence Public Opinion on Heroes_0" class="lazyload" data-src=""/>

Ragnarok follows Sung Suho, a third-year university student whose powers are eventually released after his father sealed them when he was a youngster in the hopes of giving his son a regular existence. Gates begin to reopen, and a message appears in front of Suho, welcome him as a Player and stating the tasks he must complete to 'level up.' All those fantasies he had as a boy about battles and flying insects turned out to be true after all.

A comparable occurrence might occur in My Hero Academia. Japan is entirely ruining itself, as far as the rest of the world is aware, owing to the Paranormal Liberation Front. Technically, the world is supposed to learn through the final fight being streamed that Japan doesn't require the assistance that many people believe it does. This does not imply, however, that no one in the nation is in need of assistance.

The fundamental challenge shown in all of this is the immense evil that the Japanese Heroes must face. Deku, a single adolescent kid, is now battling Tomura Shigaraki, one of history's most fearsome villains. Other Heroes across the country are facing similarly tough and arduous conflicts, which stands in stark contrast to all of the videos of All Might smiling as he saves dozens of people. This demonstration of what the Heroes must endure would appropriately humanize them and allow civilians to sympathize with them.


This is one of the messages delivered towards the end of Season 6. When Deku needed to relax at UA High, the citizens who had taken refuge there had to recognize his human wants and allow him to stay with them at their peril. It was all part of the lesson that civilians cannot rely solely on Heroes to provide all solutions, and that they can play an essential role in assisting these prominent figures. In this manner, they may save as well as be saved by the Heroes.

By the end of the series, the Heroes' relationship with the general population may have changed dramatically. With a better understanding of what the Heroes go through, the general people will do everything they can to make things easier for them. As the title of Chapter 384 suggests, all of this should serve to make the globe feel a bit smaller.