The titular character in Naruto has had a pretty rough childhood and, subsequently, his story is one of resilience. He grows up without the love and care of his parents, as they both sacrificed themselves to save him and the village. The moment the Nine-Tailed Fox is freed from Kuina, Naruto‘s mother, Minato bars it from destroying Konoha. The Fourth Hokage ultimately manages to seal half of it inside himself and the other half in the newborn Naruto. By doing so, he succeeds in keeping the baby and the village safe. Unfortunately, he dies in the battle, leaving Naruto to be raised by the villagers who ostracize him due to the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Despite the loneliness and rejection he faced, Naruto‘s journey in the franchise is not one that he faced alone. Several characters stepped up and took on the role of parental figures to the young ninja. Their impact on Naruto‘s life and growth is undeniable, as they provided him with guidance, support, and love. These characters not only served as teachers but also as friends and mentors, playing an essential role in Naruto‘s development. They helped him mature into the powerful ninja he is today. The question, however, is which among them played role of parental figure best?

Kakashi Is a Great Ninja but Not a Very Good Mentor

Which Character Was the Best Parental <a href=Figure to Naruto?_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Kakashi Hatake, known as the “Copy Ninja,” is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and beloved characters in the Naruto franchise. He is known for his cool and collected demeanor, exceptional combat skills, and his trademark face mask. As the leader of Team 7 — consisting of himself, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura — he is tasked with training them and preparing them for their future as ninjas. But while Kakashi is an excellent ninja, he is not the best mentor to Naruto.

The problem with Kakashi is that he favored Sasuke over Naruto on numerous occasions. He even gives him special training and supervision, allowing the young Uchiha to learn Kakashi’s signature move, Chidori. Kakashi’s favoritism is likely because Sasuke possesses the Sharingan and is a member of the Uchiha Clan. And it may be his attempt at compensation for his shortcomings with his friend Obito, who has always taken pride in his Uchiha bloodline.

Another point against Kakashi’s mentoring skills is his lack of communication and guidance. While he was an exceptional ninja, he doesn’t cater much to his students. Often, he would leave them to figure things out on their own. This often leads to frustration and confusion, especially for Naruto who is slow on the uptake. But while not optimal, it is reasonable as his role is not to babysit the three fledgling ninjas. He is to shape them into fine shinobi. In addition, he does eventually cater to Naruto, teaching him Chakra natures and how to further improve his Rasengan. Nonetheless, Kakashi is far from being the best parental figure for Naruto.

Jiraiya Is Undeniably a Big Influence on Naruto

Which Character Was the Best Parental <a href=Figure to Naruto?_1″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

The one who has actually taught Naruto most of his techniques is one of the Three Legendary Ninjas, Jiraiya. He is undeniably one of the most influential characters in Naruto‘s life. He is not only his mentor but also a father figure to him. However, it hasn’t always been that way. Naruto is initially reluctant to trust Jiraiya, due to the Sannin’s mundane tendencies. But over time, he warmed up to him and grew to respect him. Jiraiya’s relationship with Naruto is unique, as he not only taught him ninjutsu and fighting techniques but also imparted crucial life lessons to him.

Jiraiya’s guidance for Naruto was critical in his growth and development as a ninja. He taught Naruto how to harness and control the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox — at least to a certain degree. Jiraiya’s training allowed Naruto to develop his signature technique, the Rasengan, which he used in many battles throughout the series. Beyond that, Jiraiya taught Naruto the value of perseverance, hard work, and loyalty. Jiraiya is also one of the few characters who have treated Naruto as family, and their close-knit relationship is proof of that. After all, the person Jiraiya entrusted his final message to is no other than his beloved protégé.

The impact of Jiraiya on Naruto‘s growth and development cannot be overstated. Jiraiya’s teachings and guidance helped Naruto mature into the strong and responsible ninja that he is. Jiraiya’s tragic death had a significant impact on Naruto, though it ultimately motivated him to become even stronger and protect his loved ones. In many ways, Jiraiya served as a father figure to Naruto. If not for the fact that he has only arrived in Naruto‘s life during his teenage years, he would easily claim the title of being Naruto‘s best foster parent. Unfortunately, there is one ninja who is more deserving of the title.

Iruka Has Always Been Supportive and Empathetic

Which Character Was the Best Parental <a href=Figure to Naruto?_2″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Iruka may not hold a candle to Kakashi and Jiraiya in terms of battle prowess, but he has always been there for Naruto. He is one of the first characters introduced in the Naruto franchise, and he plays a significant role in Naruto‘s life. As a teacher at the Ninja Academy, Iruka takes on the responsibility of looking after Naruto and providing him with guidance during his childhood years. He sees through Naruto‘s facade of being a troublemaker and recognizes the pain and loneliness that the young ninja is going through. And this understanding leads to a deep bond between the two — one that lasts throughout the series.

Throughout the series, Iruka serves as a mentor and father figure to Naruto. He provides the emotional support that Naruto desperately needs, treating him with kindness and respect. Iruka takes the time to get to know Naruto and understand his struggles, creating a safe space for him to be himself. He also recognizes Naruto‘s potential as a ninja and encourages him to work hard to achieve his goals. And for the longest time, he has been the only character in the series who believed in the immature Naruto. And despite Naruto eventually moving along the path to becoming a remarkable shinobi, Iruka remains his biggest supporter, often treating him to ramen to celebrate his achievements. Perhaps the greatest proof of his influence over Naruto is the fact that his words ultimately comforted Naruto after Jiraiya’s passing. And Iruka has remained the same even after his pupil has become Naruto‘s Seventh Hokage.