
  • Marvel introduces new and intriguing villains in 2023, adding creativity and depth to their comics.
  • These villains, such as Haymaker and The Scoundrel, possess unique powers and personal motives, challenging the heroes.
  • The Ashen Combine, a team of formidable villains, poses a significant threat with their destructive abilities across multiple universes.

What’s a hero without a villain? With new stories every year, it’s no surprise that Marvel has entered and exited 2023 with some bold ambitions of new villains to enter their Multiverse. Whilst these villains might not appear in the MCU anytime soon, it’s still great to see creativity flow through Marvel with some sinister and misunderstood villains, each with their own set of goals to make the lives of heroes Hell.

Whether they are superpowered or ambitious, or perhaps a bit of both, these villains have caught the eyes of Marvel Comic readers, even if that may be for the wrong reasons. The best Marvel villains of 2023 will hopefully stick around, whilst some, are better off beaten by the hero and placed in a cell with the key thrown well away.

6 Haymaker

Creators: Erica Schultz; Jan Bazaldua


  • First Appearance: X-23: Deadly Regenesis #1 (March, 2023)

X-23 has always been one of the most popular mutants in Marvel ever since her introduction, so it only makes sense that Laura receives a villain of her own. This is where Haymaker comes in, an interesting villain for a few reasons, but one of the most notable is that Jordan Gastin is non-binary, allowing for representation to burst into comics for heroes and villains alike.

What makes Haymaker a great villain is not only their past as a martial arts fighter injected with the Mutant Growth Hormone but also the fact that they personally have a bone to pick with Laura Kinney, since she killed Haymaker’s brother years ago. Not only is Haymaker a great fighter, but they have grenades that can de-power mutants, evening the odds against X-23.

5 The Scoundrel

Creators: Rainbow Rowell; Andrés Genolet


  • First Appearance: She-Hulk (Vol. 4) #11 (March, 2023)

It’s always an interesting premise when a hero and villain fall for each other, especially when it seems that the villain is infatuated with a hero, enough to compromise their goals and ambitions for love. The Scoundrel was introduced as a grand thief, and his theft of a witch’s heart granted him the promise to be invulnerable. Later in his life, his encounter with She-Hulk saw him grow fond of her as he attempted to spend even more time with her.

The Scoundrel lives on a space yacht, which is a pretty wild way to live, even for a character in the Marvel Comics. However, despite the coolness and appeal of The Scoundrel, his name still rings true, as his motives always lie in villainy, just not exactly ‘super’ villainy.

4 Rabble

Creators: Cody Ziglar; Federico Vicentini


  • First Appearance: Miles Morales: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #2 (January, 2023)

Whilst technically teased in the first issue of Miles Morales: Spider-Man in December of 2022, the villain moniker of Rabble was not brought forward until January 2023. This villain comes from tragedy, as her mother died when she was young. Rabble has a personal bone to pick with Miles Morales, as her desire to enter the Brooklyn Visions Academy was left as nothing but a dream, as the last spot for the school went to Miles Morales.

This toxic resentment would grow, especially when she discovered he was the new Spider-Man. Paired with Technopathy and a special set of personally crafted armor, Rabble has electric powers that could overcharge Spider-Man, and make him her first victim in a life of crime.

3 Hexfinder

Creators: Steve Orlando; Lorenzo Tammetta


  • First Appearance: Scarlet Witch (2023) #7 (August, 2023)

The complexity of the Scarlet Witch seems boundless, and the character remains infinitely popular and powerful in Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since the Scarlet Witch is so powerful, it only makes sense that she be given a villain that could be worthy of taking said power away, with Hexfinder, real name Nicola Zosimos.

Whilst the origins of Hexfinder are fairly recent, it makes sense that there’s a grand ambition to eliminate all witches and warlocks, regardless of status. The Scarlet Witch makes a grand adversary, and fans can root for her against this new threat, especially with the magic world of Marvel seems so dangerous.

2 The Omen

Creators: Alyssa Wong; Jan Bazaldua


  • First Appearance: Captain Marvel (2023) #1 (October, 2023)

The Omen wastes no time in making herself known to the world, as she targets New York City with her powers. Paired with wings and an outfit that seems straight from the abyss, The Omen is a durable foe and one that can absorb the energy blasts of Captain Marvel. The Omen seeks one thing, and that’s the demise of Carol Danvers’ hero moniker, providing her with a brand new nemesis for 2023 and beyond.

Hopefully, The Omen is the start of a new nemesis for Captain Marvel in a permanent fixture, as some of the best heroes are often bound to the best villains. The Omen can drain Captain Marvel’s powers, and create portals to the Negative Zone. Perhaps even more is to come for this villain in 2024.

1 Ashen Combine

Creators: Jed MacKay; Carlos Villa


  • First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 9) #3 (July, 2023)

Whilst the Avengers are used to dealing with threats from their own galaxy, like Thanos or Ultron, the Ashen Combine are the result of monsters forged across the multiverse to become a villainous team that could take on any team of heroes, regardless of power and universe. The Ashen Combine travels the multiverse, destroying worlds together. Their members are as follows:

  • Lord Ennui – The power to drain a city’s life
  • Idol Alabaster – A godhead that demands worship
  • Citysmith – The ability to twist cities like clay
  • The Dead – Able to summon an army of ghosts

Meridian Diadem – A living dungeon with the ability to consume and convert prisoners

Descending from the Impossible City, these dangerous villains attempt to ravish populations. Even alone, these are grand threats, so to have a team of them certainly spells disaster for whatever universe they are in.