Is The Seven Heavenly Virtues connected with The Seven Deadly Sins? Explained

Viewers who stumbled upon the brief anime titled “The Seven Heavenly Virtues” might have found themselves puzzled by its connection to “The Seven Deadly Sins.” While parallels exist in the narrative components between the two, the distinction is clear: “The Seven Heavenly Virtues” adopts an ecchi anime approach in contrast to the shonen genre of “The Seven Deadly Sins.”

“The Seven Heavenly Virtues” stands as a condensed spinoff anime series. It chronicles the journey of a cluster of seven celestial angels dispatched from Heaven with the mission of locating a potential “Messiah.” Upon identifying the prophesied individual, their purpose pivots to training him, empowering him to counteract the diabolical influence propagated by Lucifer, the fallen angel, and the other agents of Hell.

The Seven Heavenly Virtues has no connection to The Seven Deadly Sins

Michael as seen in the anime (Image via Artland, TNK)
Michael as seen in the anime (Image via Artland, TNK)

While “The Seven Heavenly Virtues” shares certain elements with “The Seven Deadly Sins,” it diverges significantly from the shonen series centered around Elizabeth. It’s essential to note that there’s another series titled “Seven Deadly Sins,” which encompasses a spin-off called “The Seven Heavenly Virtues.” However, this spin-off is distinct from the shonen narrative and is named “Seven Mortal Sins” or “Sin: The 7 Deadly Sins.”

The original “Seven Deadly Sins” series was penned and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki. It unfolds the tale of Elizabeth, the princess of the Liones Kingdom, who embarks on a quest to reunite the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ in order to thwart the impending catastrophe looming over her realm.

The Seven Deadly Sins as seen in the anime (Image via Studio Deen)
The Seven Deadly Sins as seen in the anime (Image via Studio Deen)

In a parallel vein, “Seven Mortal Sins” by Ulrich delves into the narrative of Archangel Lucifer, who faces banishment from Heaven due to her rebellion against the Divine. Upon descending into Hell, she forms an alliance with Leviathan and Maria, collectively scheming to dismantle the dominion of the seven sins.

Consequently, “The Seven Heavenly Virtues” emerges as a concise spinoff anime stemming from the narrative of “Seven Mortal Sins.” Here, following Lucifer’s expulsion from Heaven, the Heavenly Virtues descend to Earth from the celestial realms. Their purpose is to unearth a suitable human contender, destined to assume the mantle of the new Messiah. This chosen individual holds the potential to counteract the infernal influences propagated by Lucifer and the other envoys of the netherworld.

Is The Seven Heavenly Virtues a good anime?

Metatron as seen in the anime (Image via Artland, TNK)
Metatron as seen in the anime (Image via Artland, TNK)

As indicated by the anime’s rating, “The Seven Heavenly Virtues,” also recognized as “Nanatsu no Bitoku,” falls short of achieving excellence. At the time of this writing, the anime garnered a score of 5.25 from a considerable pool of over 17,000 users.

In contrast to its predecessor, “The Seven Mortal Sins,” which, despite its recurrent effort to integrate fanservice, managed to weave a coherent narrative, “Nanatsu no Bitoku” stumbles in its endeavor to captivate its viewers. The anime primarily fixates on offering suggestive content. Additionally, despite possessing a foundational storyline, it makes limited strides in its development. While audiences seeking ecchi aspects might find some appeal in the anime, its frail plotline could hinder its ability to sustain attention.

Raphael as seen in the anime (Image via Artland, TNK)
Raphael as seen in the anime (Image via Artland, TNK)

Moreover, the episodes are short, with about four minutes of runtime. To make matters worse, unlike its prequel The Seven Mortal Sins, which had 12 episodes, the short-spinoff series only has 10 episodes, giving fans a total runtime of about 45 minutes in total.


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