
  • Aoi Todo is one of the strongest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen and has showcased his strength and intellect in previous arcs.
  • Todo’s cursed technique, Boogie Woogie, allows him to land deadly blows and surprise his enemies, making him a formidable fighter.
  • While Todo has not appeared in the story for a while, fans hope he will return and continue to play a major role in the series, either with his cursed technique or through other means.

Jujutsu Kaisen continues strong in the Culling Game arc and it has certainly proven to be one of the most intense arcs, given that the strongest of villains are present in it and fans have seen the loss of several main characters. The very best of the cast of JJK is involved in the events of the Culling Game. However, there is one particular character that, unfortunately, is not present in the game.

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This character is none other than Aoi Todo. Fans know Aoi Todo to be one of the strongest sorcerers of the upcoming generation and he has certainly set his own standard while playing a major part in the previous arcs. While he certainly isn’t in the Culling Game arc, Todo could very well return later down the line and it would be something that fans will absolutely enjoy.

The Strength And Potential Of Aoi Todo


Todo is one of the strongest characters of the next generation in JJK. This has been evident in the series from the very beginning when he started showing his powers for the first time. Todo was strong enough to contend with the likes of Megumi from the get-go and easily overpower him. Later on the line, he could also overpower the likes of Yuji, who fans know already possesses tremendous might. When the likes of Hanami attacked, Todo showcased not just his tremendous strength but also his keen intellect while fighting. Todo isn’t just all brawn. He fights while taking into consideration every single possibility and this makes him an incredibly strong fighter.

At the same time, Todo also utilizes an amazing cursed technique, Boogie Woogie, which fans know is simple but extremely effective.

This Cursed Technique allows him to land deadly blows on his enemies and take them by surprise. Boogie Woogie is extremely special. It allows Todo to swap places with anything he wants or even swap to places of two objects in front of him. Using this technique against Hanami, Todo was able to give rise to many openings, which then led to the duo managing to overpower the cursed spirit. It is clear that Todo is one of the strongest in JJK and has a tremendous load of potential. In fact, when it comes to potential, Gojo believed that Toto had enough in him to one day rival him. Canonically, Todo should not be underestimated by any fan of JJK, however, he certainly has not appeared in the story for quite a long time, and all that dates back to the Shibuya Incident.

What Happened To Aoi Todo In Shibuya?


In the Shibuya incident, the biggest villain was, surely, Mahito. Fans know that Mahito caused quite a lot of chaos in the arc and killed some of the most important characters. This infuriated Yuji to the point where he took out all his rage in the battle against him. Mahito was the one who ended up killing Nanami right in front of Yuji and if that wasn’t enough, he then proceeded to kill Nobara as well. This was a shocking death for the fans to witness in the story and it certainly bore dire consequences for Mahito himself. As for Yuji, this served as a breaking point where he would then resolve to kill Mahito, no matter the cost. While Yuji was certainly strong and filled with rage, he would have lost this battle had it not been for Todo.

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Todo arrived right in time to aid him in the fight against Mahito. Fans know that, for Todo, teaming up with Yuji, who he believes to be his younger brother, holds a lot of meaning. The two fought together against Mahito and it was only because of ToDo that Yuji was able to defeat him. His Boogie Woogie technique, along with his incredible control over cursed energy in general, allowed the duo to claim a victory that was nothing short of impressive. Todo himself managed to land some deadly blows on Mahito, such as Black Flash. However, at the end of it all, he had to give up quite a lot as well. After being affected by Idle Transfiguration, Todo had to chop up his own hand to avoid imminent death. This was a huge loss for him, given that he tapped into Boogie Woogie using his hands to clap.

Aoi Todo After The Shibuya Arc


It goes without saying that Aoi Todo would still be able to serve a major role in JJK. Even though he lost his hand, he should still be relevant, given that he possesses a tremendous amount of strength. Yet, for some reason, after the events of Shibuya, Todo simply vanished. Fans do not know what he’s doing right now and if he will even show up in the story at a later point. All they know is that Todo ended up losing his cursed technique based on what he claimed. At the end of the battle, Todo used a fake clap to track Mahito and proclaimed that Boogie Woogie was already dead. But, prior to that, fans did see Todo tap into the powers of Boogie Woogie by utilizing someone else’s hand. Using someone else’s hand to make sure that he could clap, Todo can effectively tap into this power.

Furthermore, though also mentioned that real power comes from the heart and that not having two hands doesn’t mean much, to begin with. Although Todo certainly did prefer clapping while using his technique, he can, perhaps, find other ways to make this technique work, such as using a prosthetic or, perhaps, figuring out new ways to activate this power.

Will Aoi Todo Return In Jujutsu Kaisen?


Aoi Todo is extremely important in JJK and fans will absolutely love it if he were to return. He was one of the few side characters that were actually well-written in the story and were also focused on a lot. Sadly, he’s nowhere to be seen right now but that certainly does not mean that Todo will not return ever. While Culling Game is going on, fans should remember that new contestants can join at any point in time. This essentially has left the door open for Todo to join the Culling Game and make a difference.

Even if his cursed technique does not return to him, Todo is much more than just that. He is an extremely good user of cursed energy and he can utilize other skills, such as hand-to-hand combat, or unleash techniques such as Black Flash. At the end of the day, fans should remember that Todo is a very smart character who has much more to offer than just his cursed technique.

As such, Todo’s character can take three paths from here onward. Either he can simply never return in the series, which would be incredibly sad, given that this character had a lot of potential and could even reach Gojo’s levels one day or, this particular character could join the Culling Game. Todo could either return with his curse technique, in which case he would have figured out new ways to utilize it, or, if he were to be without it permanently, then he would have strengthened his body in other ways and returned to make a difference once again.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 242, is set to be November 19, 2023.