Making his anime debut in Demon Slayer’s “Entertainment District Arc,” Tengen Uzui stands out from other characters with his unique design and cool Nichirin Cleavers. Furthermore, to Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu’s surprise, the Sound Hashira has three incredibly beautiful wives. At the end of Season 2, Episode 12, there’s a short scene that explains why Tengen has three wives, named Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru.

Tanjiro tells the audience that Tengen’s family practices polygamy, the custom of having more than one spouse at a time. Supposedly, at the age of 15, the head of the family picks out three compatible wives for their son, but that’s not always the case. In Tengen’s situation, his wife Suma initially approached him, instead of being chosen by his father.

Demon Slayer’s Problematic Depiction of Tengen’s Wives

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Demon Slayer: Kimsetsu no Yaiba takes place during Japan’s Taisho period, which spanned from 1912 to 1926. Tengen Uzui also grew up in a shinobi family — that is, a family of ninjas. Therefore, it goes without saying that, following centuries of family tradition, Tengen’s shinobi family may have held onto some customs that became outdated. While the anime shows some positive aspects of Tengen’s polygamous marriage, his wives quickly become damsels in distress.

Bringing a polygamous relationship into a contemporary anime has its risks. The wives are kunoichi (female ninjas), yet they are presented in lewd ways, with revealing outfits that undermine any physical abilities they possess. Some may even call the depiction an affront to modern feminism in that it places Tengen as the one in charge, and indicates a power dynamic that falls in the male’s favor. Of course, shonen anime is geared toward primarily young viewers — and the way Tengen’s wives are shown could be harmful.

Tengen’s Wives Are Occasionally Shown in a Positive Light

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There have been times in Demon Slayer when the presentation of Tengen’s wives leaves something to be desired. However, the there are moments where they are more well-portrayed. Early in Season 2, Tengen describes his wives with a respect and admiration that is shared equally among the three of them. During Season 2, Episode 12, there’s a flashback in which Makio remembers what Tengen tells them before he sent them into the entertainment district: Place their lives before the mission, because they are his number one priority, above even innocent citizens. The anime is also beginning to display more of what Tengen’s wives are made of: They can stand on their own, without the need for any man.

The polyamorous relationship on display in Demon Slayer is far from perfect representation. Nevertheless, it is portrayed with as much grace as a shonen anime can muster. It tries to give the women respect, despite their revealing outfits. And it frames their relationship with Tengen as entirely equal, and fulfilling. At times, their three-way marriage almost seems wholesome. Tengen sees his wives as the warriors that they are — and as a shinobi, he should be the best judge of all.