When feeling down, many manhwa or manga lovers seek a fluffy slice-of-life romance with all its relaxing traits. However, there are also many who seek refuge in angsty or sad stories, searching for relatable materials for their sadness and hurt. As manhwa’s popularity has been on the rise, there are tons of good ones in diverse genres, including these gloomy and bleak genres.

This genre touches on deep and complex issues such as but not limited to familial relationships, depression, mental health, psychology, and many more. However, although filled with tragedies, there are other great qualities imbued in the stories listed in the list. After all, this is what makes this genre relatable to the readers. Still, a content warning is appropriate to avoid uncomfortable topics that readers may wish to avoid.

6 The Tainted Half

Angsty Romance Meets Love Triangle


  • Story: Chyom Chyom (Surreuk Comics)
  • Art: Joeun (Surreuk Comics)

Seolha comes from a tribe whose people possess great beauty, but because of this, her people are hunted, murdered, and treated unkindly. Now Seolha is alone, facing great danger from the Emperor, who is looking for the most beautiful concubine as some kind of trophy. Seolha’s mother, before she was killed, disfigured Seolha’s face to avoid this. Now Seolha has to endure abuse because she has to keep her scarred face, to avoid the heartless emperor.

Little did she know that the emperor’s twin brother was stealing her affection little by little. But Seolha is afraid, and is wary that she cannot trust anyone in this world. Her lifetime suffering is something that she believes she has to endure, and relying on someone else can bring her great peril. The angst of the story lies in the questions of how Seolha can live alone forever, and whether she deserves affection or not.

5 Black Winter

Tragedy Of An Orphan With Endless Trouble


  • Story & Art: INA

Black Winter tells the story of Haesa, an orphan who never dares to bother others. She was digging herbal roots to sell until late in a deadly cold winter, forced to seek shelter as the night was getting colder and colder. There, she met a stranger named Yuan, although the village shaman warned her not to go to the house at the top of the mountain.

From then on, tragedy befalls the village’s children one by one. Haesa sinks into despair. After years of isolation and sadness, her youth was filled with painful memories. The compelling, angst-ridden story presents a mystery of the stranger’s identity, the fate of Haesa’s friends, and her seemingly cursed life. Not only is the art gorgeous and pleasing to look at, but the writing and storytelling will also captivate anyone who dares to read this bittersweet story.

4 Gwangan

Historically Accurate And Angsty Manhwa


  • Story: Rahye/Yuk mihwa
  • Art: Sora

Historical manhwa is one of the best genres. And a historical manhwa with a romantic storyline and heavy features of angst is an intriguing blend of everything. The story revolves around Eunwoo, a court lady whose ambition is to be an exclusive servant to the royal family. She hopes to achieve this small ambition without having to sacrifice her simple life. However, as in all angsty manhwa, the ambition seems impossible as each day passes.

One night, Eunwoo is ordered to receive the favors of the intimidating Crown Prince, known for his troubled psyche due to trauma. There, Eunwoo is accused of horrible things, like being a spy or a mole of the Crown Prince’s enemy who wished for his downfall. Eunwoo wishes for nothing but her small dream. From then on, they are tangled in a complex love story filled with the royal family’s bloody game of betrayal and manipulation.

3 The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway

A Complicated, Heartbreaking Story


  • Story: Kim Chacha
  • Art: Cheong-gwa

Inés Valeztena de Perez has it all: grace, beauty, a brilliant mind, and most importantly, her family’s wealth and high status. However, no one understands why she chose Cárcel Escalante de Esposa as her fiancé. Inés could easily enter the royal family, increasing her high status even more, as the spouse of the crown prince. Cárcel used to believe that Inés loved him dearly, even when she never showed it due to her emotionless and calm nature.

However, his reality shattered when he realized Inés’s lack of affection, and he instead had countless affairs behind her back. But one day, Inés caught him in the act, and was indifferent to it, and made Cárcel fall for her instead. Despite no one knowing, behind every action that Inés takes, she has her reasons, including when she decides to end her life. This manhwa is not for the faint of heart. The characters seem unlikable at first, but once the story progresses, readers will be captivated. It has a great balance of captivating backstory, romance, character development, and a perfectly-paced plot.

2 Marry My Husband

Perfect Revenge Story Filled With Angst


  • Story & Art: Sung Sojak

Marry My Husband is a very popular manhwa, especially since being adapted into a live-action series in late 2023. It tells the tragic story of Jiwon, a 37-year-old regular office worker who is on the verge of death due to cancer, and how she was betrayed by two of her closest people. She tragically died at the hands of her husband, who was having an affair with her best friend and had been with her since middle school. However, as she meets her ill-fated death, Jiwon is awoken in the past.

Now, she is given the chance to avoid all the bad things she went through in her previous miserable life. Jiwon is tested yet again, to realize all the sneaky things her so-called best friend and husband do and to prevent those things from occurring once more. However, that means her best friend has to be the one who marries her husband. This manhwa is the perfect blend of angst, revenge, romance, and perseverance. There are many things in the manhwa that are also relatable for readers, in terms of friendship, toxic relationships, and abusive behaviors.

1 Moonrise By The Cliff

Tragic Story Of Love And Isolation


  • Story: JYL, Hyeon Minye (Original Story)
  • Art: JYL

Samwol is a guard for an ex-king who was exiled to a house on the edge of a cliff invaded by tigers from the mountains nearby. She has to work as a replacement for her father due to his illness, although she is a woman. There, Samwol meets Hwan, who was rumored to be very low in morals. One rumor even claims that he had an affair with his mother. However, as time goes by and she gets to see Hwan with her own eyes, Samwol realizes that all the rumors are just made-up lies by his opposition.

As time passed, they grew affectionate towards each other, despite the tigers were lurking. However, the scariest part of the story is not the tigers. Instead, it’s the people who are consumed with greed and hunger for power. A gem of a story, Moonrise by the Cliff is the perfect manhwa for anyone who wants a good cry. It tells a story of two people who have nothing but each other, who can offer nothing, but their breath and presence. Even then, at one point, they are forced to be separated and live in isolation, showcasing a tragedy in the making.